QA Consultant

  • Remote OK - Anywhere in Japan
  • Full-time
  • May 1, 2024
¥7M - ¥10M /yr
Apply from Japan Only
(You must live in Japan to apply)
Language Requirements
Japanese: Business Level
English: Conversational
Minimum Experience
Mid-level or above


You will be responsible for proposing solutions to clients’ quality issues and providing services using Autify. Specifically, your primary responsibilities will include helping customers get started with test automation, advising not only on automation but also on general quality issues, and providing hands-on support to help customers automate testing with Autify. This position will allow you to leverage your experience in quality assurance while also taking on the challenge of planning and executing new quality improvement solutions with the team using Autify.

  • Formulate solutions for clients’ quality issues, focusing on automation technology.
  • Offer advice on developing QA strategies and reviewing QA processes.
  • Assist in resolving QA issues for new and existing clients.
  • Provide hands-on support for test automation projects.
  • Create documentation and video content to promote the use of Autify.



  • Experience in test planning, execution, and improvement.
  • QA experience in agile development.
  • Experience in managing QA projects in your own company or a third-party testing company.
  • Ability to communicate in business-level Japanese.
  • Ability to communicate in basic English.



  • Experience in end-to-end test automation using tools such as Selenium, Appium, Cypress, Playwright, and Autify.
  • Management/lead experience of an internal QA team.
  • Experience in working with clients at a third-party testing company.
  • Sales and support experience in products for engineers.
  • Experience in implementing code-based testing, including unit testing and integration testing.
  • JSTQB certified.
  • Holds certifications such as Agile Coach, Scrum Master, etc.
  • Ability to communicate in business-level English.

Autify, Inc.は、米国トップアクセラレーター「Alchemist Accelerator」を日本人チームとして初めて卒業した、サンフランシスコ創業のスタートアップです。私たちは「技術の力で人々の創造性を高める」をミッションとして掲げ、AIを用いたソフトウェアのテスト自動化プラットフォーム「Autify」を開発・提供しています。

市場の変化が激しい昨今、ソフトウェアを素早くリリースすることが求められており、アジャイル開発が主流となってきました。実際にグローバルでは92%がアジャイル開発を採用しており、そのうち71%が週一回以上のリリースを希望しています。そのようなサイクルでは、人手の検証作業は時間がかかりすぎるため、自動化への移行が急務となっています。私たちのサービスは、そのような重大課題を解決し、顧客のソフトウェア開発における競争力を高めることができます。 QAのグローバル予算は120兆円にも登ると言われており、私たちはこの巨大なグローバルマーケットを勝ち取るため、日本のみならず海外への早急な展開をしていきます。

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