Engineering Manager, Acquisition

  • Remote OK - Worldwide
  • Full-time
  • December 23, 2022
¥9.6M - ¥16M /yr
Apply from Anywhere 👍
Relocation to Japan 👍
(Overseas visa sponsorship supported)
Language Requirements
Japanese: Not Required 👍
English: Business Level
Minimum Experience
Mid-level or above

Why we are hiring

With the growth of our market share, comes the growth of our product feature set. We are building new teams focused on customers acquisition features. This new team comprises five engineers and would be an autonomous team supporting itself in infrastructure, back-end, and front-end expertise. This position is opened to oversee the creation, growth and success of this team.


  • Create and recruit the team members, share its vision, its mission and build up the strategy to deliver the best business value.
  • Facilitate all the ceremonies to enable the day-to-day work of the team and report on the different metrics evaluating the team performance.
  • Support the product team in transforming the strategy into an actionable roadmap.
  • Identify the different architectural and technical debt challenges, and plan their improvement accordingly.
  • Support cross-team initiatives and facilitate collaboration within the teams.
  • Build relationships with your reports, support their career development and motivate members in achieving the team goals.
  • Empower the engineers and maximize the team's productivity by setting goals, performing evaluations, and utilizing data to improve operational workflow.


  • Being able to work during day hours 09am~5pm JST
  • 3 years of Engineering management experience or more
  • 5 years of experience developing software, backend experience is a plus.
  • English spoken and written at a business level


  • Experience in working within a SaaS
  • Understanding of QA practices, especially test automation
  • Japanese proficiency

Autify, Inc.は、米国トップアクセラレーター「Alchemist Accelerator」を日本人チームとして初めて卒業した、サンフランシスコ創業のスタートアップです。私たちは「技術の力で人々の創造性を高める」をミッションとして掲げ、AIを用いたソフトウェアのテスト自動化プラットフォーム「Autify」を開発・提供しています。

市場の変化が激しい昨今、ソフトウェアを素早くリリースすることが求められており、アジャイル開発が主流となってきました。実際にグローバルでは92%がアジャイル開発を採用しており、そのうち71%が週一回以上のリリースを希望しています。そのようなサイクルでは、人手の検証作業は時間がかかりすぎるため、自動化への移行が急務となっています。私たちのサービスは、そのような重大課題を解決し、顧客のソフトウェア開発における競争力を高めることができます。 QAのグローバル予算は120兆円にも登ると言われており、私たちはこの巨大なグローバルマーケットを勝ち取るため、日本のみならず海外への早急な展開をしていきます。

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Engineering Manager, Acquisition at Autify