Data QA Engineer

  • Remote OK - Anywhere in Japan
  • Full-time
  • October 6, 2023
¥6M - ¥12M /yr
Apply from Anywhere 👍
Sponsors Visas
Language Requirements
Japanese: Not Required 👍
English: Business Level
Minimum Experience
Mid-level or above

Job Description

We are seeking a highly skilled and motivated Data QA Engineer to join our Data Insights department. In this role, you will work closely with cross-functional agile teams and data scientists to deliver projects focused on analyzing and leveraging data. You will play a crucial role in ensuring the accuracy, reliability, and quality of our data-driven insights, while working within an iterative process to tackle projects with ambiguous requirements.

As a Data QA Engineer, you will be responsible for designing and implementing automated testing strategies that enable efficient and effective quality assurance of data products. Your expertise will be instrumental in identifying and preventing data anomalies, verifying data transformation processes, and ensuring data integrity throughout the project lifecycle.



  • Minimum of 3 years or more of experience in running and maintaining automated test cases, with a focus on data testing, data validity, and information architecture.
  • Expertise in Data Testing: Strong understanding of data testing principles, methodologies, and best practices.
  • Experienced in designing and executing test scenarios to validate data integrity, accuracy, and completeness.
  • Automation Skills: Proficiency in developing and maintaining automated test scripts using Appium, Selenium, unirest/Rest Assured for APIs and Cucumber. Familiarity with CI/CD tools such as Jenkins/Bitrise or any other.
  • SQL and Database Knowledge: Solid understanding of SQL and experience in querying and manipulating data in relational databases. Ability to write complex SQL queries to validate data integrity and perform data validations across multiple data sources.
  • Good communication skills in English to effectively communicate with various stakeholders.

※Please note that our main coding language for backend/server side is Java. During the QA selection process, you will have a coding challenge.


Preferred Qualifications

  • ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) and machine learning model testing experience. Familiarity with testing data pipelines, monitoring and alerting on model accuracy, and detecting model drift, among other tasks.
  • Data analytical skills or introductory-level statistical modeling.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Understanding of industry-specific regulations and experience in validating data compliance with regulatory requirements.
  • Ability to learn new technologies and set up new integrations with various data sources such as data lakes, object stores, and queues.
  • Experience in running performance tests using Gatling or similar tools.


PayPay 5 senses



また、働き方に関してもWFA(Working From Anywhere)制度など、新しい人事制度を採り入れてます。当社は基本的にフルリモートでの勤務となる為、勤務場所や現在の居住地は問いません。 地方に暮らしながらも国際都市水準の給料・福利厚生を得ながら、世界レベルの仲間と仕事をする。 そんな働き方もPayPayでは実現できます。

【言語要件】日本語 / 英語どちらかが流暢(ビジネスレベル以上)であれば応募いただけます!


  • PayPayはパンデミック期間中、従業員の安全を確保するためにリモートワークへの移行を進めており、パンデミックが治まった後もこれを継続していきます。

  • 日本への移住を希望する方の応募は受け付けていますが、渡航規制の関係で移住の時期を明確にすることが難しい状況です。内定が出た場合は、在留資格認定証明書の申請を行いますので、国境が開通すればビザの取得が容易になりますし、遠隔地からの契約など、特別な配慮をすることも可能です。

  • COVID-19が落ち着き、ビザ発給の準備が整うまでは、海外からリモートで仕事を始めることができます。

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Data QA Engineer at PayPay