Data Scientist

  • Tokyo
  • Partial Remote
  • Full-time
  • September 30, 2022
Apply from Anywhere 👍
Relocation to Japan 👍
(Overseas visa sponsorship supported)
Language Requirements
Japanese: Business Level
English: Business Level
Minimum Experience
Mid-level or above

In SmartNews, growing with fast speed, various opportunities of data science exist. Decision making based on scientific analysis accelerates product and business growth with learning and improvement in try and error cycle processes. In improving user satisfaction and giving value to business stakeholders like publisher, advertiser, and agency etc., data science plays an important role.

We are seeking data scientist who have proactive mind in ambiguous environment and decent skill to deliver impactful actionable insight to product and business.



  • Analyze data for one or more of the following areas:
    • ad product development
    • ad sales
    • marketing
    • mobile app UI/UX
    • news/video content
    • other product analyses

  • Proactively ideate analysis projects and prioritize them
  • Report data insights and predictions via visualizations and dashboards as well as written and verbal communication
  • Work closely with business leads product managers, engineers, etc. to ensure that data insights are actually translated into concrete product improvements or actions
  • Help determine the overall data strategy (potentially with help from data engineers and product managers

  • 下記の中で、一つ以上の分野でデータ分析を行う。
    • 広告プロダクト開発・広告営業
    • マーケティング
    • モバイルアプリのUI/UX
    • ニュースやビデオコンテンツ
    • その他、新規事業を含むプロダクト分析

  • ユーザーや広告主・媒体社満足度を上げ事業を成長させるために、プロダクトの戦略や仕様・機能を考え意思決定する上で必要なデータ分析を行う。
  • 積極的に分析プロジェクトを考案し、優先順位をつける。
  • データによる洞察をダッシュボードやチャートで可視化し、口頭・文面で説明する。
  • ビジネスリード、プロダクトマネージャーやエンジニアと協力し、データインサイトをプロダクト改善に繋げる。
  • 会社全体のデータ戦略を、データエンジニアなどと議論しながら決定し、改善する。


Minimum Qualifications

  • Technical university degree or equivalent knowledge
  • 3 years of analytical work experience
  • Experience with SQL and either R or Python
  • Medium level knowledge of applied statistics (hypothesis testing, multivariate regression, time series analysis etc.)
  • Analytical work experience related to apps, web service, or ads
  • Strong communication, logical thinking skills, and enthusiasm for new challenges
  • Business-level English reading & communication AND business-level Japanese reading

Preferred Qualifications

  • Experience managing/mentoring other data scientists
  • Advanced level knowledge of applied statistics (causal inference, bayesian modeling etc.)
  • Understanding of machine learning
  • Basic understanding of data engineering tasks (e.g. data warehousing, model deployment, using data workflow tools like Azkaban or Airflow)
  • Experience with big data (Hive, Spark, Presto, etc.) and SQL performance tuning
  • Experience with Linux command line
  • Business-level Japanese reading & communication


Benefits and Perks

  • Support programs for self-improvement and career development (language learning, etc.)
  • SmartKitchen - Healthy lunch on a daily basis for free (Tokyo Office)
  • ChikyuCoffee - Delicious coffee provided by our Barista every day (Tokyo Office)
  • transportation coverage (maximum 50,000 yen)
  • Various social insurance benefits included


  • 語学学習など自己研鑽やキャリア開発のサポートプログラム
  • SmartKitchen - ランチカフェテリア無料
  • 地球珈琲 - バリスタが淹れる本格珈琲無料
  • 交通費支給 (上限5万円)
  • 各種社会保険

How to apply

Please apply via the form below & please also submit source-code like GitHub account and CV




スマートニュースの開発チームは非常にダイバシティ豊かです。東京とサンフランシスコ、パロアルト、上海、北京に開発オフィスがあり、世界トップレベルのエンジニアが集まっています 「One Product, One Team」の哲学に基づき、日米で異なるタイムゾーンや言語、物理的環境でありながらも、活動のコードベースは1つ、そしてチームも1つでグローバルプロダクト開発体制をつくっています。英語もしくは日本語どちらかが流暢に話せれば応募可能なポジションもあり、優秀なグローバルメンバーと国際的な環境で働きたい日本人にとっても、すばらしい環境です。 日本語、英語の学習サポートもあります。

SmartNews's policies during COVID-19 are as follows:

  • All interviews are being conducted remotely
  • Employees are working remotely following the government’s instructions
  • They've given everyone some monetary incentive to support working from home
View スマートニュース's company page
Data Scientist at スマートニュース
APPLY NOW  ➜Japanese Required ⚠️