Engineering Manager

  • Remote OK - Anywhere in Japan
  • Full-time
  • August 1, 2024
¥10M - ¥15M /yr
Apply from Japan Only
No relocation to Japan
(No visa sponsorship from overseas)
Language Requirements
Japanese: Business Level
English: Not Required
Minimum Experience
Senior or above


It is expected that the value of all assets and rights will be converted to digital assets worldwide. We believe this to be the case. In recent years, web3, metaverse, NFTs, etc. have become popular, but the digitalization of assets with underlying value such as stocks, bonds, derivatives, real estate, etc., called RWA (Real World Assets), is coming soon. We recognize that the size of these markets is hundreds of times larger than the current blockchain market.

In addition, the market capitalization of stable coins, which will become the mainstream for digital transactions in the future, is about 23 trillion yen as of April 2024. While it has grown dozens of times in the last three years, it is still less than 1% of the total legal tender market, leaving room for significant growth in the future.

In Japan, a bill defining stable coins (the Revised Funds Settlement Act) will be enacted in June 2023 for the first time in developed countries, and with not only startups like us, but also major companies and the government taking a proactive stance, it is expected to gain significant momentum in the future. 

Therefore, the need for payment with stable coins for digital assets will grow explosively in the future.

We are taking on the challenge of creating the infrastructure needed to securely and cost-effectively connect blockchains for digital transactions in such a large market, based on our world-leading technological capabilities.

Globally, blockchain still has much room for development. We are taking on the high-stakes challenge of working with domestic enterprise companies and overseas blockchain pioneers to seriously realize the social implementation of blockchain.

Technical success is gradually becoming visible. On the other hand, there are still many obstacles to overcome to make it a successful product and business. Although this is an uncertain business phase, the groundwork is in place to take on the big challenges. We would like to invite those who find it interesting to take on the challenges of the global market, which is incredibly large, to join us from Japan.


Position Details

  • Engineering recruitment and onboarding 
    • Design recruiting strategies for hiring talented engineers (defining human resource requirements, organizing appealing content, selecting media, etc.)
    • Design and lead an appropriate selection process 
    • Design onboarding and training tailored to each member

  • Development Member Management
    • Regular 1-on-1s with engineering members to control motivation and promote career development from a long-term perspective 
    • Establish and implement an appropriate evaluation system
    • Developing human resources to enable engineering members to function organically

※The above will be the priority tasks, but in addition to the above, we would also like to entrust some development management to our development culture and communication within the team.


Examples of Development Environments ※It depends on each product

  • Blockchain
    • Languages:Go、Rust、Solidity、Kotlin 
    • Network:Ethereum、BNB Chain、Cosmos等 
  • Server-side and back-end development
    • Languages:Go
    • Database:PostgreSQL(Azure Cosmos DB)
  • Front-end development
    • TypeScript、Next.js、wagmi
  • Infrastructure・SRE 
    • Clouds: Azure、Kubernetes 
    • CI/CD: GitHub Actions、Argo CD、Argo Workflows 
    • Monitoring: OpenTelemetry、Grafana


Example of development product  ※One of several products 

An application that enables token transfers and payments between different blockchains, which is being developed in collaboration with a startup from Dubai, with the goal of a production release in 2024. The application will enable token transfers between different blockchains, and payments using stable coins and other instruments between different blockchains, such as NFTs and security tokens.


People who work together 

Basically, you will work in collaboration with the management team and the development team. The development team consists of the CTO, project manager, lead engineer, and engineering members (mainly back-end engineers). The organization has around 20 members including outsourcing members.


Attractiveness of the position

  • One of the few DeepTech startups that are taking on the challenge of globalization, this is an opportunity to gain valuable experience in an important position that will lead business growth by taking charge of hiring and training engineers, which is essential for the success of the product. 
  • Experienced members on both the business and engineering side, and the ability to take on global challenges with talented members. 
  • It has an IT mega-venture company listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Standard Market as its parent company, and while it has the challenging environment of a start-up, it also has a stable financial base. It also offers a full and original benefits package. 
  • Plans to grant trust stock options to central members as it seeks a stand-alone listing


About Datachain


About TOKI (Our Developed Product)



※It is not necessary to have experience with blockchain technology. 

Datachain is a startup engaged in research and development in the field known as "interoperability," which connects different blockchains, as well as the development of FinTech products.

Their research and development efforts have achieved significant results, including ranking first globally in the number of OSS releases by a third party and being the only entity in Japan to receive a grant from the "Interchain Foundation". Leveraging these technically advanced achievements, Datachain is developing products in the financial sector.

View Datachain's company page
Engineering Manager at Datachain
APPLY NOW  ➜🇯🇵 Residents Only