Project Manager of Product Operations

  • Tokyo
  • Remote OK - Anywhere in Japan
  • Full-time
  • February 7, 2025
Apply from Japan Only
No relocation to Japan
(No visa sponsorship from overseas)
Language Requirements
Japanese: Business Level
English: Business Level
Minimum Experience
Mid-level or above


KOMOJU (by Degica) is the leading cross-border payment gateway for Japan. We power payments for companies like video game distribution platform Steam and the popular mobile app TikTok. Today we help thousands of merchants by providing them with the payment infrastructure they need through developer-friendly API’s to integrations on popular platforms like Shopify and Wix; we help our merchants grow in all markets they are expanding.

KOMOJU (コモジュ)は2016年に当社が開発した日本および世界のEC事業者向けの決済代行サービスです。 Steam, Shopify, Wix など様々なECプラットフォームに決済手段を提供し、API での直接導入が可能です。一つのKOMOJUアカウントで、日本のクレジットカード決済、 コンビニ決済、スマホ決済、銀行振込、キャリア決済、後払い決済、プリペイド決済などから、韓国や中国、東南アジ、ヨーロッパなど世界中の決済方法が利用可能になります。


About the position

DEGICA is the first global payment company in Japan to operate the KOMOJU payment service, and is in the process of expanding KOMOJU's services to Europe, Latin America, and other countries around the world.

The Product Operations Manager, KOMOJU, is responsible for identifying bottlenecks in operational workflows, building effective operational processes, and coordinating among stakeholders for developing the necessary infrastructure to ensure the stable and efficient operation of KOMOJU's rapidly growing product line.


急成長するKOMOJUのプロダクトを安定的かつ効率的に運用するためには、社内の運用プロセスの継続的な改善が不可欠です。Project Manager of Product Operationsは運用フローのボトルネックを特定し、効果的な運用プロセスを構築し、関係者間の調整を行う役割を担います。



  • Discovering operational obstacles through dialogue with departments involved in operations
  • Create operational plans, schedules, and checklists related to project operations.
  • Support the formation of consensus to obtain consensus from internal stakeholders on feature development and operational processes for future stable operations.
  • Communicate with engineers through meetings and documentation of features to be developed to ensure smooth completion of development.
  • Implement new operational processes through documentation of operational processes and training of employees.
  • Understand exactly what specific features KOMOJU has that are growing every day and where we want to go in the future
  • Provide input to the product development team to ensure that product development specifications are realistic and operational, and contribute to specification improvements.
  • Communicate the KPIs related to the operation of KOMOJU within the company.

  • 運用に関わる部署との対話を通して、運用の障害を発見する
  • プロジェクト運営に関わる、計画立案、スケジュール管理、チェック項目の作成および運用方法を作成する
  • 将来の安定運用のために、新しい運用プロセスと機能開発の必要性を関係者に伝え、合意形成を支援する
  • スムーズに開発を完了できるよう、開発する機能の文書化やミーティングを通してエンジニアとのコミュニケーションを実行する
  • 運用プロセスの文書化や社員への教育を通して新しい運用プロセスを導入する
  • 日々成長するKOMOJUが持つ具体的な機能と将来的に目指す方向性を正確に理解する
  • プロダクト開発の仕様が現実的に運用可能となるようにプロダクト開発チームと協力して、仕様と実装の改善に貢献する
  • KOMOJUの運用に関わるKPIを社内に周知する



  • Experience working in a SaaS operating company with a modern product development organization
  • In-depth knowledge of software development technologies
  • Possess advanced communication skills in both written and verbal forms, with the ability to coordinate effectively with diverse stakeholders.
  • Problem-solving skills to find appropriate solutions to various problems, including conflicts and trade-offs
  • Proactive in making proposals for KOMOJU's growth, both internally and externally.
  • Business level Japanese

  • モダンなプロダクト開発組織を持つSaaS運営企業での業務に携わった経験
  • 文章と直接対話の高度なコミュニケーション能力を有し、多様なステークホルダーとの調整ができること
  • 衝突やトレードオフ等のさまざまな問題に対して適切な解決策を見出すことのできる問題解決能力
  • KOMOJUの成長のために能動的に社内外に対して提案等を発信する積極性
  • ビジネスレベルの日本語


Nice to Haves

  • Experience in the payment industry or e-commerce business
  • 決済業界やEコマース事業での業務経験



    • At Degica, we embrace remote work while also offering office space for those who prefer in-person collaboration
    • 10 days regular vacation, additional 5 days summer and 5 days winter vacation
    • Paid birthday holiday
    • Budget for self-learning allowance, to ensure our employees’ skills remain current
    • Language training for Japanese

    • Degicaでは、リモートワークとオフィス勤務のハイブリットスタイルを導入しています。
    • フレックス制(コアタイム10:00-15:00)
    • 海外からの勤務可能(地域によって年間最大3ヶ月の海外からの勤務が可能)
    • 有給10日間、夏季休暇5日間、冬季休暇5日間、有給誕生日休暇
    • 社員のスキルアップ目的のため、自己学習手当の予算(年間10万円)を用意しています
    • 日本語/英語の語学学習プログラム
    • 語学力向上の為、語学学校と提携し、英語コースと日本語コースの両方を提供しています
    • Komojuカードプログラム(月額5000円):ランチ、コーヒーなどの使用用途
    • 社会保険(関東IT健康組合)、労働保険完備
    • 通勤手当支給

KOMOJU (by Degica) is the leading cross-border payment gateway for Japan.

We power payments for companies like video game distribution platform Steam and the popular mobile app TikTok.

Today we help thousands of merchants by providing them with the payment infrastructure they need, through developer-friendly API’s to integrations on popular platforms like Shopify and Wix; we help our merchants grow in all markets they are expanding.

When it comes to engineering, we believe in having a flat, inclusive culture and constantly improving by continuing to evaluate ourselves. We also prize individuality and believe that each member brings their own unique value to the team.

Our development processes are always updating as the company grows, and we have an engineering culture that largely organizes itself and each engineer has a lot of ownership in their own projects. This culture allows engineers to showcase their strengths while continuing to grow.

KOMOJU's policies during COVID-19 are as follows:

  • During COVID-19 all of their members are working from home 100% of the time (previously they allowed up to one day a week).
  • Their current plan is to continue their full remote policy even after COVID-19 is no longer a concern.
  • They’re able to accept applications from overseas, but you may need to work abroad until it’s possible to move to Japan.
View KOMOJU's company page

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Project Manager of Product Operations at KOMOJU
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