Digital Marketing Associate / WEBマーケティング担当

  • Tokyo
  • Partial Remote
  • Full-time
  • July 15, 2022
Up to 6M/yr
Apply from Japan Only
(You must live in Japan to apply)
Language Requirements
Japanese: Business Level
English: Business Level

▼ 業務内容




The digital marketing associate will be involved in planning, implementing, and improving the marketing strategy for the product.

We believe now is an excellent opportunity to challenge the dramatic growth of Yay! with the Marketing manager and CEO. We are looking for a colleague who is interested in working closely with users and is up to date on social networking and likes to dig deep into things.

▼ お任せしたい範囲

  • 国内外問わず運用型広告の獲得効率最適化
  • クリエイティブ制作の企画とディレクション
  • 運用型広告のパフォーマンスをモニタリングできる仕組み作り
  • 必要に応じた適切な外部パートナーの選定と関係の構築



  • Work on acquisition and execution of Japan and overseas marketing campaigns
  • Produce a variety of creatives and artworks for digital advertisements
  • Work with the Marketing manager to build a system to monitor the performance of advertisements and its effectiveness
  • Create and build relationships with internal stakeholders and external partners/vendors as needed

※ You will be able to start with OJT and gradually expand the scope of your work as you learn


必須要件/ Need to Have

  • 事業会社でのマーケティング担当、または広告代理店での広告運用実務経験(営業職は除く)が1年以上
  • 広告クリエイティブの制作や改善の実務経験
  • ビジネスレベルの日本語力
  • 1+ year of experience in digital, affiliate, and SNS marketing at advertiser or agencies
  • Experience in producing and improving digital advertising creative and artwork
  • N1+ Japanese and Basic English (be open to working in global environment with change to improve your English)

歓迎要件 / Good to Have

  • 計測ツールを使って広告運用基盤を整えたご経験
  • アプリマーケティングのご経験
  • 日常会話レベル以上の英語力
  • Appsflyer、Firebaseなどのツールを操作した経験がある
  • ASOの改善経験がある
  • インフルエンサーマーケティングの経験がある
  • Experience optimizing an advertising operation using tools or systems
  • Experience working in marketing in the Smartphone app industry
  • Experience working with Appsflyer, Adjust, Firebase, etc.
  • Experience working with the App Store Optimization
  • Experience working on influencer campaigns



  • 業績連動の昇給や賞与あり
  • 社会保険完備
  • 出社/リモートのハイブリットな働き方
  • フレックス制:コアタイム(11時 - 17時)
  • 海外から日本に移住する候補者向け:ビザサポート、リロケーションサポート(初回フライトチケット代負担、2週間の短期滞在費用負担、家探し、行政関連の手続き)
  • 完全週休2日制
  • 夏冬長期休み(年末年始・お盆休み)
  • 作業効率化に必要なディバイスやツールの購入補助
  • フリードリンクとスープやナッツ、チーズといった軽食
  • 交通費全額支給(上限あり) または 近隣住宅手当
  • 書籍購入、語学学習、勉強会参加、有料アプリ購入の補助
  • 社員旅行(コロナや社会情勢をみて再開予定)
  • Competitive salary and performance-based bonus plus standard social security insurance
  • Hybrid Work Environment
  • Flextime: Core time 11:00 to 17:00
  • For overseas candidates: Visa Support, Re-location assistance to help you start your life in Tokyo, including first-time airfare to Tokyo, and hotel room for two weeks while we help you search for housing.
  • Holidays: Annual leave, Summer as well as Winter Holidays, Childcare and Family care leave
  • Support in buying the needed items to make your work easier: applications, large monitor even a good chair (unfortunately, pajamas not included; though, we are trying to get it approved soon)
  • Free snacks, cheeses, soups, and drinks, of course!
  • Transportation allowance OR if you live near the office, we will give you 20,000 JPY monthly towards your rent
  • We will subsidize books, language courses, conference tickets, and even paid apps.
  • Annual Company trip (as we overcome travel restrictions)

nanameue's story began in May, 2013. This start-up with roots in Tokyo and Thailand was founded to build connections between people through social networks. And now nanameue has over 40 people in Tokyo building one of Japan's top chat applications.

With around 6.5 million registered users in the first 3 years, their engineers have the opportunity to take on complex but rewarding technical challenges.

Being an international company, approximately half of their members come from overseas: they have members from places like Thailand, China, Malaysia, Philippines, Australia, and Brazil. And nanameue use English as the official company language.

View nanameue's company page
Digital Marketing Associate / WEBマーケティング担当 at nanameue
APPLY NOW  ➜🇯🇵 Residents Only