Back-end Engineer

  • Tokyo
  • Remote OK - Anywhere in Japan
  • Full-time
  • March 26, 2024
¥6.5M ~ ¥15M /yr
Apply from Anywhere 👍
Relocation to Japan 👍
(Overseas visa sponsorship supported)
Language Requirements
Japanese: Not Required 👍
English: Business Level
(Skills in one of the two is sufficient)

Job Description / 業務について

▼PayPay is looking for a Back-end engineer to work on our payment system to deliver the best payment experience for our customers.

• Design large scale systems with high complexity to support our high throughput applications.
• Understand how to leverage infrastructure for solving such large scale problems.
• Develop tools and contribute to open source wherever possible.
• Adopt problem solving as a way of life – always go to root cause! Support the code you write in production.



【Tech Stack /採用している技術】We select the best combination of tech at times. / その時期ごとに最適なものを選定しています。
| Java, Kotlin, Scala
| Spring Boot, JUnit, Reselience4j, Feign
| MySQL/AuoraDB, DynamoDB, ELK, Kafka, Redis, TiDB
| Docker, Kubernetes, ArgoCD, AWS, GCP
| GitHub, IntelliJ, Gradle, Maven, npm/yarn, Flyway, Jenkins, snyk,
| Bigquery, Kibana, Spark
| PlantUML,,
| Slack, Zoom

Qualifications / 求めるスキル/経験

• Experience in using Java under professional environment, or if you are non-Java user, excellent skills in generalized programming languages, such as Scala, Python and Go.
• Interest and ability to learn other coding languages as needed.
• Experience with NoSQL databases and distributed cache.
• Strong fundamentals in data structures, algorithms and object oriented programming.
• In-depth understanding of concurrency and distributed computing.
• Degree in Computer Engineering or Computer Science or 5+ years equivalent experience in SaaS platform development.
・Javaの業務使用経験をお持ちの方、あるいは、Java以外のScala, Python, Goなどの汎用プログラミング言語の卓越したスキルをお持ちの方

Preferred Qualifications / 歓迎するスキル/経験

• Experience with implementing platform components such as RESTful APIs, Pub/Sub Systems, Database Clients.
• Experience with AWS services.
• Experience in working for system development in finance, payment, or similar industries
• Experience in system design, development of web system which handles massive amount of transactions or requires scalability
• Language ability in Japanese and English is a plus (We have a professional translator but it is nice to have language skills)
• Experience in microservices
・RESTful API、Pub / Subシステム、Database Clientなどのプラットフォームコンポーネントの実装経験
・英語力 (専門の通訳が社内におりますが、あれば尚可)

Portrait of a person / 必要とされる人物像

▼Six elements for the ideal candidates at PayPay

【Unparalleled speed】
Discover for yourself the important things that need to be done and implement ways to reach the best results at the fastest speed possible for the organization.

As a professional, commit to the growth and business goals of the organization and create impactful results by your ownership.

【Logical thinking】
Think logically and structurally to bring real communication.

【Curiosity and questioning mind】
Keep your curiosity about new things and your challenges along with a continuous questioning mind and enjoy such circumstances in a future-oriented manner.

【Problem solving】
Take a proper approach towards both explicit and potential business/organization challenges to lead solutions involving others.

【True opinion and communication skill】
Communicate your opinions to others in a flat manner to ensure mutual understanding and to keep things moving forward.








Location / 勤務地

Minato-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN
(Basically we work fully remotely in Japan)

Hiring Process / 選考の流れ

1. Application Review (1-2 weeks) We review your profile based on your submitted materials.

2. Code challenge (online) We send you a code challenge after reviewing resume. Please be prepared to take code challenge after submitting your application! It takes about 1-1.5 hours max. to complete.

3. 1 - 3 Interviews (online) You will have 1 to 3 interviews with our engineers and HR.




・面接 (オンライン) 1~3回

Language Policy / 言語要件

  • PayPay requires business-level language skills in English or Japanese (either is sufficient)


  • 日本語もしくは英語どちらかが流暢(ビジネスレベル以上)であれば、一方の言語ができなくても応募いただけます。



また、働き方に関してもWFA(Working From Anywhere)制度など、新しい人事制度を採り入れてます。当社は基本的にフルリモートでの勤務となる為、勤務場所や現在の居住地は問いません。 地方に暮らしながらも国際都市水準の給料・福利厚生を得ながら、世界レベルの仲間と仕事をする。 そんな働き方もPayPayでは実現できます。

【言語要件】日本語 / 英語どちらかが流暢(ビジネスレベル以上)であれば応募いただけます!


  • PayPayはパンデミック期間中、従業員の安全を確保するためにリモートワークへの移行を進めており、パンデミックが治まった後もこれを継続していきます。

  • 日本への移住を希望する方の応募は受け付けていますが、渡航規制の関係で移住の時期を明確にすることが難しい状況です。内定が出た場合は、在留資格認定証明書の申請を行いますので、国境が開通すればビザの取得が容易になりますし、遠隔地からの契約など、特別な配慮をすることも可能です。

  • COVID-19が落ち着き、ビザ発給の準備が整うまでは、海外からリモートで仕事を始めることができます。

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Back-end Engineer at PayPay