Principal Software Engineer

  • Remote OK - Anywhere in Japan
  • Full-time
  • February 26, 2024
¥16M - ¥20M /yr
Apply from Anywhere 👍
Relocation to Japan 👍
(Overseas visa sponsorship supported)
Language Requirements
Japanese: Not Required 👍
English: Business Level
Minimum Experience
Senior or above

We are looking for a Principal Software Engineer to work on our various systems which need high scalability, reliability and availability. These challenges require creative thinking and a deep understanding of how software and platform work.

Our ideal candidate is an ace problem solver and a learner at heart. You should have a very high degree of comfort in a programming language of your choice. We offer a flexible work schedule and you get your choice of tools (both hardware and software) and most importantly, the opportunity to work on tough problems with the brightest minds around you. So, if challenges excite you, and you're ready for a big one, let us know.


  • Design, develop, test, deploy, maintain and improve software and core platform
  • Lead technical aspects for multiple projects through hands-on execution and guidance of other engineers
  • Provide architectural blueprints and technical leadership. 
  • Provides input and guidance during all phases of programs to solve challenging technical issues.
  • Build common platforms to support different business vertical application systems
  • Develop tools and contribute to open source wherever possible
  • Adopt problem-solving as a way of life – always go to the root cause!


  • Solid foundation in designing, implementing, and maintaining a large-scale distributed system.
  • Experience in developing distributed platform systems such as Messaging Platforms, Pub/Sub Systems, Databases, Distributed Computing Frameworks, and Schedulers.


  • Degree in Computer Engineering or Computer Science or 7+ years equivalent experience in software development
  • Strong fundamentals in data structure, algorithm, operating system and object-oriented programming
  • Deep understanding of concurrency, distributed computing, large-scale system, messaging and algorithm
  • Software development experience in one or more general-purpose programming languages
  • Interest and ability to learn new technology stacks as needed

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Experience in working for system development in finance, payment, or similar industries
  • Experience with AWS services
  • Contribute to open-source projects
  • Language ability in Japanese and English is a plus (We have a professional translator but it is nice to have language skills)



また、働き方に関してもWFA(Working From Anywhere)制度など、新しい人事制度を採り入れてます。当社は基本的にフルリモートでの勤務となる為、勤務場所や現在の居住地は問いません。 地方に暮らしながらも国際都市水準の給料・福利厚生を得ながら、世界レベルの仲間と仕事をする。 そんな働き方もPayPayでは実現できます。

【言語要件】日本語 / 英語どちらかが流暢(ビジネスレベル以上)であれば応募いただけます!


  • PayPayはパンデミック期間中、従業員の安全を確保するためにリモートワークへの移行を進めており、パンデミックが治まった後もこれを継続していきます。

  • 日本への移住を希望する方の応募は受け付けていますが、渡航規制の関係で移住の時期を明確にすることが難しい状況です。内定が出た場合は、在留資格認定証明書の申請を行いますので、国境が開通すればビザの取得が容易になりますし、遠隔地からの契約など、特別な配慮をすることも可能です。

  • COVID-19が落ち着き、ビザ発給の準備が整うまでは、海外からリモートで仕事を始めることができます。

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Principal Software Engineer at PayPay