Product Security Engineer

  • Remote OK - Anywhere in Japan
  • Full-time
  • February 10, 2025
Apply from Anywhere 👍
Relocation to Japan 👍
(Overseas visa sponsorship supported)
Language Requirements
Japanese: Not Required 👍
English: Business Level
Minimum Experience
Mid-level or above

The PayPay Product Security team is looking for experienced infrastructure security engineers to lead improvements to our infrastructure and operational security, and introduce key security solutions, such as SOAR.

PayPay Product Security team is responsible for driving the application security and infrastructure security changes within the product division - the part of PayPay responsible for development and operations of the PayPay app. A strong candidate for the infrastructure security engineer position will be knowledgeable about modern infrastructure solutions (such as Kubernetes, various public clouds and their services, SQL and no-SQL databases, ElasticSearch, message brokers and so on), security challenges and threats relevant to them, and have experience in one of the following areas:

  • Leading projects to improve infrastructure security at scale (e.g. introducing role-based access control, hardening K8s configurations, introducing temporary access credentials for database access, and so on)
  • Introducing and improving security orchestration and automation, as well as solution to gather, store and analyze security events and assets


Primary Responsibilities

  • Analyzing security risks relevant to the production infrastructure
  • Designing security measures for the product infrastructure environment
  • Implementing and running security solutions (SIEM, vulnerability management, network security, cloud security, container security, etc.)
  • Improve security incident handling within product division.
  • Improving observability and monitoring for security information and events.
  • Assisting infrastructure teams in prioritizing security goals

Supporting Responsibilities

  • Assisting infrastructure teams in implementing and running secure solutions
  • Participating in major infrastructure projects as a security expert



  • 2+ years of infrastructure security or relevant experience
  • Solid understanding of security principles, protocols, and best practices
  • Solid programming skills in one or more programming languages, such as Python, Golang
  • Experience leading projects in any kind of security solutions, such as CNAPP, PAM, IDS/IPS, SIEM, SOAR, WAF, NGFW, etc
  • Hands-on experience with cloud platforms, preferably AWS
  • Hands-on Terraform experience. Experience with other IAC tools is also acceptable
  • Hands-on Linux experience and comfortable with Linux commands
  • Hands-on experience with CI/CD pipelines and tools like Github Action, Jenkins, ArgoCD, etc
  • Knowledge of containerization technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes
  • Strong teamwork skills and the ability to collaborate with others in a diverse environment
  • Enjoy taking up a challenge and driving it to a conclusion


Preferred Qualifications

  • Previous experience working in DevOps, SRE, or similar roles
  • Experience working with microservice-based systems
  • Experience working in a security position within the fintech industry
  • Native or business level Japanese proficiency



また、働き方に関してもWFA(Working From Anywhere)制度など、新しい人事制度を採り入れてます。当社は基本的にフルリモートでの勤務となる為、勤務場所や現在の居住地は問いません。 地方に暮らしながらも国際都市水準の給料・福利厚生を得ながら、世界レベルの仲間と仕事をする。 そんな働き方もPayPayでは実現できます。

【言語要件】日本語 / 英語どちらかが流暢(ビジネスレベル以上)であれば応募いただけます!


  • PayPayはパンデミック期間中、従業員の安全を確保するためにリモートワークへの移行を進めており、パンデミックが治まった後もこれを継続していきます。

  • 日本への移住を希望する方の応募は受け付けていますが、渡航規制の関係で移住の時期を明確にすることが難しい状況です。内定が出た場合は、在留資格認定証明書の申請を行いますので、国境が開通すればビザの取得が容易になりますし、遠隔地からの契約など、特別な配慮をすることも可能です。

  • COVID-19が落ち着き、ビザ発給の準備が整うまでは、海外からリモートで仕事を始めることができます。

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Product Security Engineer at PayPay