Project Manager

  • Tokyo
  • Remote OK - Anywhere in Japan
  • Full-time
  • May 24, 2023
¥7M - ¥15M /yr
Apply from Anywhere 👍
Relocation to Japan 👍
(Overseas visa sponsorship supported)
Language Requirements
Japanese: Conversational
English: Business Level
Minimum Experience
Senior or above

■当社概要 / Who We Are



RESTAR’s core mission is to create an active and dynamic real estate market in Japan. RESTAR provides a real estate and geographic information analysis/management platform (BtoB software) for real estate companies and financial institutions. The real estate market generates an incredible amount of data. REMETIS integrates publicly available information and client data to lower real estate transaction costs and simplify complex investment workflows. We show real estate trends and market opportunities so that our clients can make better investment decisions. For our clients, REMETIS improves the underwriting and due diligence process by making it easier to access and understand data. It also promotes information sharing, business standardization, and paperless operations. Although we have proven a market need and obtained product-market-fit, we still believe we are in the beginning stages of building the REMETIS platform. We have many ideas for the future expansion of the platform.

We are looking for people who are excited about building successful features and products for the real estate market. You’ll get to work with other experienced engineers to build features that have a meaningful impact on our clients. You'll do well at RESTAR if you’re comfortable in a fast-paced environment where building software comes first; comfortable learning new technologies and systems; comfortable moving across the stack.

■当社の社風/We're Building A Culture Of

  • 多様なバックグラウンドと考え方を歓迎します、最適な判断は全社員が積極的に議論に参加することでなされると確信しています
  • 技術的論点に加え、個人的な関心や期待についても、相互に敬意をもった積極的なコミュニケーションを重視します
  • 常に新たなことを学び、改善を重ねていくことを求めます
  • 変化やイノベーションを恐れず、むしろ追求します
  • 絶え間ない成長を追求します

  • Seeking and embracing diverse viewpoints. We believe the best decisions are made when everyone contributes to the discussion.
  • Respectful and proactive communication about technical tradeoffs, personal needs, and expectations.
  • Continuous improvement and continuous learning.
  • Embracing change and innovation.
  • Pursuing sustainable growth.

■業務内容/You will:

  • REMETISの開発プロジェクトのスコープと目的の策定
  • 目的を達成するために必要なリソースを予測し、効率的にリソースを管理する
  • 詳細なプロジェクトのスケジュールやプランを策定、管理する
  • 様々なステークホルダーに対して、戦略、計画、進捗に関するプロジェクトの最新情報を一貫して提供する
  • プロジェクトの遂行を通じて、業界のベストプラクティスやテクニック、基準を活用する
  • 進捗を監視し、必要に応じて調整を行う
  • 改善すべき点を特定するために、プロジェクトのパフォーマンスを計測する

  • Determine and define scope and objectives for REMETIS
  • Predict resources needed to reach objectives and manage resources in an effective and efficient manner
  • Develop and manage a detailed project schedule and work plan
  • Provide project updates on a consistent basis to various stakeholders about strategies, plans, and progress
  • Utilize industry best practices, techniques, and standards throughout entire project execution
  • Monitor progress and make adjustments as needed
  • Measure project performance to identify areas for improvement

■技術スタック・活用ツール/Tech Stack

  • バックエンド:Elixir, Phoenix
  • フロントエンド:Vue.js, Typescript
  • データベース:PostgreSQL
  • 検索:Elasticsearch
  • インフラ:AWS
  • その他活用ツール:Github, Discord, Height等

  • Backend: Elixir, Phoenix
  • Front end: Vue.js, Typescript
  • DB: PostgreSQL
  • Search: Elasticsearch
  • Infrastructure: AWS
  • Others: Github, Discord, Asana

■求める人物像/Who You Are

  • Seeking and embracing diverse viewpoints. We believe the best decisions are made when everyone contributes to the discussion.多様なバックグラウンドと考え方を歓迎します、最適な判断は全社員が積極的に議論に参加することでなされると確信しています
  • Respectful and proactive communication about technical tradeoffs, personal needs, and expectations.技術的論点に加え、個人的な関心や期待についても、相互に敬意をもった積極的なコミュニケーションを重視します
  • Continuous improvement and continuous learning.常に新たなことを学び、改善を重ねていくことを求めます
  • Embracing change and innovation.変化やイノベーションを恐れず、むしろ追求します
  • Pursuing sustainable growth.絶え間ない成長を追求します
  • Must have: business level English. (必須要件)ビジネスレベルの英語能力
  • Must have: Conversational-level Japanese. (必須要件)日常会話レベルの日本語能力
  • Nice to have: experience working at a Seed or Series-A startup.(歓迎要件)シード/シリーズAステージでのスタートアップ企業における業務経験

■職場環境/Work Environment

  • アーリーステージのスタートアップのため、ユーザー等からの直接的なフィードバックを踏まえて、インパクトのあるプロダクト開発・ビジネスの構築に携われる環境
  • 技術的な議論を積極的に推奨する文化・可読性の高いコード・継続的な学習(社内勉強会など)といった、技術的優位性を追求する組織体制
  • 完全なリモートワークも可能かつ、立地・設備・景観を兼ね備えたオフィス環境
  • 注意: 外国からの就労の場合、日本での勤務時間である10:00-19:00 (JST) に合わせたリモートワークとなります

  • An early-stage startup environment where you can still contribute and shape the product in a significant way, with direct access to stakeholders
  • A team focused on technical excellence, with a culture of technical debates, clean code, and continuous learning (e.g. internal training sessions)
  • A gorgeous office near Shinagawa station, but possible to work remotely
  • Notice: You will work from 10:00-19:00 (JST) to match the engineer team's working hours in Japan when you work from overseas


  • 東京都港区港南2-15-1/2-15-1, Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo


  • 年俸制 年収: 700万円 ~ 1,500万円
  • 入社順に応じて、ストックオプションあり
  • 健康保険 厚生年金 雇用保険 労災保険
  • 完全週休二日制 土 日 祝日
  • 勤務時間:10:00-19:00 (JST)
  • 有給休暇 20 日 (1,4,7,10月1日にそれぞれ5日ずつ付与)

  • Annual salary scheme: 7 million yen to 15 million yen
  • Stock options available depending on the order of joining the company
  • Health Insurance, Pension, Employment insurance, Workers' accident compensation insurance
  • Saturdays, Sundays, and National holidays including Golden Week and New Year
  • Working hours: 10:00-19:00 (JST)
  • 20 days paid leave (5days paid leaves are granted on 1/1, 4/1, 7/1, 10/1 every year)

RESTAR’s core mission is to create an active and dynamic real estate market in Japan. They provide a real estate and geographic information analysis/management platform (BtoB software) for real estate companies and financial institutions.

The real estate market generates an incredible amount of data. REMETIS integrates publicly available information and client data to lower real estate transaction costs and simplify complex investment workflows. We show real estate trends and market opportunities so that our clients can make better investment decisions.

For our clients, REMETIS improves the underwriting and due diligence process by making it easier to access and understand data. It also promotes information sharing, business standardization, and paperless operations. Although we have proven a market need and obtained product-market-fit, we still believe we are in the beginning stages of building the REMETIS platform. We have many ideas for the future expansion of the platform.

We are looking for people who are excited about building successful features and products for the real estate market. You’ll get to work with other experienced engineers to build features that have a meaningful impact on our clients. You'll do well at RESTAR if you’re comfortable in a fast-paced environment where building software comes first; comfortable learning new technologies and systems; comfortable moving across the stack.

View RESTAR's company page

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Project Manager at RESTAR