Job Description
What you'll do
The work will be to build UI using the above-mentioned technologies, and we will ask you to do everything related to front-end development, including component design.
Although you will be considered a front-end engineer, we would like you to work on the backend and infrastructure as well! If you want to work on the backend and infrastructure as well, we would like to ask you to consider the number of tasks and implementation time.
Required Skills
- More than 7 years of working experience as a front-end engineer.
- People who share our vision of "Squad Beyond"
We are working on this kind of technology stack, but if you have any ideas, from the smallest detail to the biggest, we would like to work with you to improve the advantages and disadvantages. If you have any ideas, we would like to discuss the advantages and disadvantages together and make improvements.
If you are interested in React or TypeScript, we would love to hear from you! If you are interested in React or TypeScript, we would love to hear from you!
Full Remote Work
All development members are fully remote. We are not necessarily fully remote, but you can come to the office if you feel like it or need to.
Communication Slack
We often use Slack to communicate with each other for full-remote development.
Also, stand-up meetings, sprint plans, retrospectives, etc., are often held via Google Meet.
Company Culture and Paid Work
The company culture is based on the principle of "goodness of character," and is quite liberal. There are no time restrictions, but there are no paid holidays. For example, if you wake up in the morning and have a fever or are not feeling well, it is not productive to not be able to take a day off because you are not paid. We have eliminated the system of paid holidays so that employees can rest when they are not feeling well. Therefore, we have a system in place that allows us to take time off 365 days a year.
What We Do
Squad Beyond's front-end development is based on the following technology stack:
Deploy is done by AWS Amplify
Front-end code is managed on GitHub, and when you merge a pull request to the main branch, it is automatically deployed. If you want to check other branches by staging, you can use AWS Amplify.
React is used to build the UI. It is not necessary to write anything, but it is reliable for long-term operation.
We use TypeScript for business and team development, so we can write code with peace of mind.
State Management
Recoil and state hooks for state management
For example, which item is selected in a list is often managed with state hooks.
Material UI as a component library
We use Material UI for development efficiency and adjust it to the design of Squad Beyond in theme and so on.
Component Unit
Atomic Design
We often create components for molecules, considering the use of Material UI.
フロントエンドエンジニアという枠ではありますが、バックエンドやインフラもやりたい!ということであれば、タスクの数/ 実装時間も考えてお願いしたいです。
- フロントエンドエンジニアとしての実務経験5年以上
- Squad beyondの目指す世界に共感してくれる方
またstand-up meeting、スプリントプランやRetrospectiveなどはGoogle Meetでmeetingをすることが多いです。
Squad beyondのフロントエンド開発では以下の技術スタックになっています。
deployはAWS Amplify
フロントエンドのコードはGitHubで管理しています。main branchにプルリクをmergeすると、自動でdeployされます。stagingで他のbranchを確認したいことがあればAWS Amplifyで設定します。とにかく便利です。
component libraryとしてMaterial UI
開発効率も考えてMaterial UIを使っています。Squad beyondのデザインとはthemeなどで調整します。
Atomic Design
organismsとmoleculesの扱いに困ることが多いかと思いますが、Material UIの活用も考えてmoleculesにcomponentを作成することが多いです。
About SIVA
SIVA runs an online platform that helps companies manage their digital marketing. They’ve been in business for 7 years, and have been building their online platform “Squad beyond” for 2.5 years.
SIVA’s product supports the long-term success of its users by visualizing and streamlining all resources and their traceability, starting from production and operation.
As of 2023, the Annual Recurring Revenue is approaching the high single-digit billions of yen mark, and the number of users has increased more than 25-fold in two years.
SIVA has hundreds of companies and thousands of customers, and a 98% retention rate.
SIVA’s growth in Japan was achieved by focusing on specific customer segments and niche areas and acquiring users in a sales-driven manner. As they expand overseas, they aim to broaden their customer base, centered on product-led growth gradually and are in the process of expanding the size of the organization.
A small number of employees make up the development organization. In order to improve long-term scalability, they are in the process of hiring foreign engineers and ramping up their agile development processes starting in 2023.
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