Updated May 29, 2024

Ruby in Japan - Language Guide


Japan Dev Team

Japan Dev contributor

Originating from Japan, Ruby is a globally embraced programming language that has been widely used in web application development since its debut in 1993. 

Today, the object-oriented language is predominantly mentioned in conjunction with the popular Ruby on Rails framework, but is that all there is to Ruby, and is it more popular here in Japan than in the rest of the world? 

In this post, I’ll explain how popular the Ruby programming language is in Japan and if it’s better embraced here in its country of origin. I’ll also talk about the financial aspect of working as a Ruby developer and tell you all about Ruby salaries in Japan, so let’s get right into it.

The Popularity of Ruby Programming Language in Japan

For those wondering if Ruby is a language worth learning in Japan, the simple answer is “yes”, seeing as Ruby is one of the most popular languages here.

In fact, according to our data, Ruby is the 8th most popular programming language in Japan. See how it ranks for yourself compared to other languages:

Popularity Rank

Programming Language

Median Salary



¥9.8 million



¥8.6 million



¥10.3 million



¥8.6 million



¥9.3 million



¥9 million



¥9.1 million



¥9.2 million



¥8.7 million



¥8.7 million



¥9 million



¥8.5 million



¥10.1 million



¥10.86 million



¥8.7 million



¥7.2 million



¥8.5 million

If you’re familiar with the language, you may have heard that Ruby has somewhat lost its momentum when it comes to popularity in recent years. That being said, the language is still in the top 20 (#13) in the TIOBE index for May 2024

So, even though it isn’t as popular as before compared to other languages, it’s still a very popular language on its own. 

The data we’ve obtained to create this list is a result of our communication with the companies we’ve featured on the Japan Dev job board over the years. So, Ruby isn’t just the 13th most popular language according to a popularity survey, but also due to the sheer number of job listings it showed up on.

The high number of available job opportunities is a testament to the language’s popularity, but some may still need convincing. Luckily, we also have data regarding the financial prospects a Ruby job can offer here. Let’s talk about it.


Ruby Salaries in Japan: How Much Do Ruby Developers Earn?

While it can be argued that Ruby isn’t as popular today as it once was, the financial interest is still very much there if you’re considering getting into Ruby development.

According to our data, the median annual salary for a Ruby developer in Japan is ¥9.2 million. This is certainly on the higher end for jobs on Japan Dev, which you can tell by taking a quick glance at the median salaries of other popular languages.

Ruby developer salaries are closer to what a Python developer can earn on average, which is the most in-demand language on our list. In fact, it even seems to pay more on average to be a Ruby developer than a Java developer, the second most popular language in the country.

Ruby at Work: How Is Ruby Used in Japan?

If you’re familiar with Ruby, you know that it’s most commonly known for the Ruby on Rails framework, both in Japan and globally. 

The popular programming language is used primarily for building full-stack web applications, mostly in the form of Ruby on Rails, which might be the sole reason why the language is so popular here.

If a company uses Rails, Ruby allows it to quickly build and test applications, which is a major asset for smaller teams and companies. 

So, if you’re wondering what type of companies use Ruby in Japan, the answer is predominantly startups for this very reason. The framework allows smaller teams to move quickly and save time, which is of the essence for such companies.


Top Companies Using Ruby in Japan

Not that the salary prospects and the popularity alone aren’t enough to convince you of just how well-liked Ruby is in Japan, but here are a few noteworthy companies that use Ruby and are staple names on the Japan Dev job board:

  • KOMOJU: Specializing in payment solutions, KOMOJU leverages Ruby to develop secure and scalable financial platforms. Ruby helps the company ensure the robust handling of transactions and user data, which KOMOJU is known for.

  • Money Forward: The company uses Ruby to enhance their personal finance management tools. Ruby’s powerful framework supports Money Forward’s complex data processing needs, allowing it to provide top-of-the-line reliable services.

  • Mercari: As Japan’s leading user-oriented marketplace (and first unicorn), Mercari relies on Ruby to manage the high traffic they receive and the complex transactions they process. Ruby’s scalability enables Mercari to maintain and expand its platform efficiently. 

  • WealthPark: An international company, WealthPark’s online asset management platform helps businesses and individuals make decisions regarding real estate investments or reach their data efficiently. The company uses Ruby in backend development.

  • MoneyTree: A Tokyo-based FinTech startup, MoneyTree provides a utility tool for the interoperability of financial systems and platforms. They use Ruby to build and maintain their main product, MoneyTree Link.

  • Shippio: As the first digital forwarding company in Japan, Shippio aims to make international trade easier with its services. The company relies on Ruby to handle the server-side operations of its platform.

  • nanameue: A multinational operation, nanameue works on bringing people together with the power of social networks. The company is another known Ruby user, utilizing the language in backend development.

While these companies are just a few examples in a larger landscape of Japanese tech companies that prefer Ruby because of its flexibility and mature ecosystem, there are many more. So, how do you find a job at one? Let’s explore your options.

Finding Ruby Jobs in Japan: Our Tips

At Japan Dev, we’re committed to helping you find the right job that fits your skills and career goals. So, here are a few tips.

First, be sure to regularly check our Ruby jobs page. We continuously update it with fresh job opportunities from reputable companies. 

Also, try engaging actively in the Ruby community by attending events and meetups, such as the annual RubyKaigi event held in a different prefecture of Japan each year. These are great for networking and staying on top of industry trends. 

To explore tech meetups in Japan’s major hubs like Tokyo, Fukuoka, and the Kansai region, which houses Osaka and Kyoto, among others, you can refer to my articles where I introduced many events available in English.

Lastly, if you want to get involved with Ruby development and don’t know where to start, engaging with open-source development is one of the best ways you can put your free time to good use.

Not only will it enhance your skills and increase your visibility in the tech community, but your contributions will serve as public proof of your abilities and dedication. If you’d like to get involved in open-source development, I recommend reading my guide to Japan’s open source community.


Conclusion: Ruby in Japan

Some may say it’s been losing relevancy, but Ruby is still making waves in Japan in 2024, especially considering the popularity of Ruby on Rails. So, don’t let anyone convince you otherwise. Remember that:

  • Ruby is the 8th most popular language on our job board

  • Ruby developers earn a median annual salary of 9.2 million JPY

  • The programming language is used predominantly in building full-stack web applications and is quite popular among startups

So, if you’re considering learning Ruby, rest assured that it’s a worthwhile investment of your time and energy. To speed things up, you can try a bootcamp, but if you’re already an expert, you can start looking for jobs right away on our Ruby jobs page.


Japan Dev Team

This post was written by our Japan Dev editorial team.