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About Yappli
Yappli is a Tokyo-based B2B SaaS software company that provides a platform to build, manage, and analyze enterprise-grade native mobile apps without coding skills..
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Jobs at Yappli
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Yappli Detailed Data
- B2 B
- Enterprise
- Information Technology
- Mobile Apps
- Saa S
- Software
- Software Engineering
Founding Date
Koichi Tsunoda, Masafumi Sano, Masumi Kuroda, Yasufumi Ihara
Global Employee Count
Japan Offices
- Tokyo
- Osaka
- Fukuoka
Funding Status
Late Stage Venture
Public Status
デジタル情報化が進むこの時代に, 先進的なテクノロジーをすべての人へ開放し, 人々の生活をより豊かに, より活発にすることが私たちのミッションです。
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