Machine Learning Engineer

  • Remote OK - Worldwide
  • Full-time
  • July 8, 2022
¥8M - ¥12M /yr
Apply from Anywhere 👍
Relocation to Japan 👍
(Overseas visa sponsorship supported)
Language Requirements
Japanese: Not Required 👍
English: Business Level
Minimum Experience
Mid-level or above

Why we are hiring

We are looking for an expert in machine learning to help us build AI systems to deliver value to our customers. You will work on designing, developing, training, and deploying medium to large-scale deep learning models. 

The ideal candidate will be passionate about artificial intelligence and stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the field.

You will primarily work with images (screenshots of web pages and mobile apps) and text. Your work will be mostly related to Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing. Most of the projects are developed in a supervised fashion, some semi-supervised and some in reinforcement learning settings.


  • Understanding business objectives and developing models that help to achieve them, along with metrics to track their progress
  • Exploring and visualizing data to gain an understanding of it, then identifying differences in data distribution that could affect performance when deploying the model in the real world
  • Writing models from scratch and using off-the-shelf models for solving a given problem.
  • Optimizing model for best performance vs. accuracy trade-off
  • Writing cost-optimized and long-running training pipelines for medium to large models
  • Designing metrics to estimate the model quality
  • Developing pipelines for automatically deployment models to production


  • 2+ years of experience as a machine/deep learning engineer
  • Bachelor's degree in computer science, data science, mathematics, or a related field
  • Advanced proficiency in writing code using Python
  • Extensive knowledge of using Deep Learning Frameworks (preferably PyTorch)
  • Comfortable in using a remote Linux server as a primary development environment
  • Ability to speak and write in English fluently


  • 3+ years of experience working as a deep learning engineer
  • Master's degree or Ph.D. in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, or related technical field
  • Experience handling both research and development.
  • Experience working with Containers, Docker, and Kubernetes

Desired personality traits

  • Someone who is passionate about Machine Learning and stays up-to-date with the latest developments in the field
  • A person who understands the building blocks of ML and is able to translate a business problem into an ML problem

Autify, Inc.は、米国トップアクセラレーター「Alchemist Accelerator」を日本人チームとして初めて卒業した、サンフランシスコ創業のスタートアップです。私たちは「技術の力で人々の創造性を高める」をミッションとして掲げ、AIを用いたソフトウェアのテスト自動化プラットフォーム「Autify」を開発・提供しています。

市場の変化が激しい昨今、ソフトウェアを素早くリリースすることが求められており、アジャイル開発が主流となってきました。実際にグローバルでは92%がアジャイル開発を採用しており、そのうち71%が週一回以上のリリースを希望しています。そのようなサイクルでは、人手の検証作業は時間がかかりすぎるため、自動化への移行が急務となっています。私たちのサービスは、そのような重大課題を解決し、顧客のソフトウェア開発における競争力を高めることができます。 QAのグローバル予算は120兆円にも登ると言われており、私たちはこの巨大なグローバルマーケットを勝ち取るため、日本のみならず海外への早急な展開をしていきます。

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Machine Learning Engineer at Autify