Technical Support Engineer

  • Remote OK - Worldwide
  • Full-time
  • April 27, 2023
6,000,000 - 12,000,000 JPY /yr
Apply from Anywhere 👍
Relocation to Japan 👍
(Overseas visa sponsorship supported)
Language Requirements
Japanese: Not Required 👍
English: Business Level
Minimum Experience
Mid-level or above

Why we are hiring

The Technical Support Engineering team acts as a bridge between the Customer Support team and other Engineering teams, responsible for deep-dives into reported issues and proposing product improvements based on the needs of the customer and the team itself.

Note: This role is aimed at supporting customers in the Japanese market, so you must be able to work in Japan standard time, 10 am to 7 pm JST.

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"The 'Technical Support Engineer' option for those who want to know everything"


  • Respond to technical inquiries from the Customer Support and Customer Success teams.
  • Work with your TSE colleagues and other Engineering teams to investigate issues, determine their root causes, and devise potential workarounds.
  • Propose new features and stability improvements based on the results of your investigations.
  • Ensure efficient communication and collaboration between all the stakeholders across the escalation chain.


  • Hands-on experience supporting and troubleshooting SaaS applications 
  • An understanding of multi-tier web architectures and how to troubleshoot them
  • Able to prioritize and work to deadlines, even when the workload is high
  • Business-level English language skills


  • A computer science or engineering background
  • 3+ years of development experience, preferably in web application development
  • Experience in test automation or software quality assurance
  • Experience with Ruby on Rails and TypeScript
  • Experience in modern development processes that incorporate agile and scrum
  • Fluent English
  • Japanese language skills at a level that allows for daily conversation and reading of documents

Desired personality traits

  • Strong discipline in analyzing and documenting issues
  • Someone passionate about digging deep into problems and going beyond a shallow understanding
  • Someone who is skilled at isolating and determining root causes from execution logs and error information

Autify, Inc.は、米国トップアクセラレーター「Alchemist Accelerator」を日本人チームとして初めて卒業した、サンフランシスコ創業のスタートアップです。私たちは「技術の力で人々の創造性を高める」をミッションとして掲げ、AIを用いたソフトウェアのテスト自動化プラットフォーム「Autify」を開発・提供しています。

市場の変化が激しい昨今、ソフトウェアを素早くリリースすることが求められており、アジャイル開発が主流となってきました。実際にグローバルでは92%がアジャイル開発を採用しており、そのうち71%が週一回以上のリリースを希望しています。そのようなサイクルでは、人手の検証作業は時間がかかりすぎるため、自動化への移行が急務となっています。私たちのサービスは、そのような重大課題を解決し、顧客のソフトウェア開発における競争力を高めることができます。 QAのグローバル予算は120兆円にも登ると言われており、私たちはこの巨大なグローバルマーケットを勝ち取るため、日本のみならず海外への早急な展開をしていきます。

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Technical Support Engineer at Autify