Remote Sensing Specialist

  • Tokyo
  • Partial Remote
  • Full-time
  • August 7, 2023
¥5M - ¥8M /yr
Apply from Anywhere 👍
Relocation to Japan 👍
(Overseas visa sponsorship supported)
Language Requirements
Japanese: Not Required 👍
English: Fluent
Minimum Experience
Mid-level or above

About Axelspace

Axelspace has been one of the pioneers of micro-satellite technology and industry since the establishment of the company in 2008, and we envision democratizing space technology to a wider population across the globe for their daily use.

AxelGlobe business started in 2015 to provide a new Earth observation infrastructure by launching multiple micro-satellites for its higher data frequency. In addition to a satellite launched in 2019, we have successfully launched four more satellites in 2021, which used the first mass production technology for satellite production in Japan. Utilizing this small-satellite mass production system, our new service “Axel Liner” also supports clients outside the space industry to actualize their business involved in satellite projects.

As the world faces pivotal stages in democratizing satellite development and satellite imagery use, we are actively looking for someone like you who can enjoy the challenges to make a global impact with micro-satellite technology. Hit that apply button and let’s make our vision, “Space within your reach,” come true, together!

About the Role
A successful candidate will be involved in the sales activity to understand customer needs/challenges; analyze and extract information using satellite images and other data sources, and propose solutions and design concepts to solve customers' needs/challenges; satellite image quality control and improvement activities; support and improvement activities for AxelGlobe service operation; work with engineer and engage in POC to realize the proposed concept.

What would you do?

  • Analyze and extract information from our/external satellite images through remote sensing analysis technology
  • Bring ideas that would solve a client’s issue, study its feasibility, plan and propose solution services related to the utilization of satellite images based on customer needs, and launch services in cooperation with internal and external engineers
  • After-engineering sales of solution services for satellite image utilization.
  • Involved in satellite image quality control and improvement activities in cooperation with internal engineers and coordinate activities from technical aspects.
  • Involved in support and improvement activities for AxelGlobe service operation in cooperation with internal engineers and coordinate activities from technical aspects.
  • Gather related information and perform related tasks which can be value-adding to the project.

What requirements should you meet?


  • Skills, knowledge, and 2+ years of experience in image analysis and/or processing taken by satellite, airplane, or drone or any other geospatial data processed using Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographic Information System (GIS) tools.
  • Communication experience and skills to understand needs, problems, and issues that customers might not have awareness by themselves.
  • Ability to communicate in English about product technology with overseas customers and internal stakeholders.
  • Work experience to coordinate each department in the company.
  • Bachelor’s degree relevant to remote sensing or either discipline of agriculture


  • Experience in image processing/analysis and image recognition using Python, C ++, etc.
  • Experience in data-oriented product development / service construction (whether sales or engineer)
  • Knowledge of highly specialized industries (agriculture, forestry, energy, insurance, government agencies, etc.)
  • Experience in Project management
  • Experience using collaboration tools like Jira, Gitlab and Github
  • Knowledge or development experience of geospatial database system or web GIS application
  • Experience of sales

Work Environment and Conditions

  • Employment Type: Permanent, full-time
  • Work Hours: Discretionary Labor System
  • Salary: TBA
  • Commuter’s Allowance provided (Actual-cost reimbursement)
  • Virtual Office Policy (Work-from-home Policy)
  • Pay Revision: Once a year, decided upon annual performance evaluation
  • Holidays: Saturdays, Sundays, Japanese national holidays, and New Year holidays
  • Leave: Annual paid leaves provided (& five-year bonus holidays, special leaves for personal events)
  • Relocation Assistance for those moving from abroad
  • Opportunity to attend optional Japanese language lesson
  • No Smoking On Site


Axelspaceは、「Space within Your Reach 〜宇宙を普通の場所に〜」というビジョンの元、2008年の設立以来磨き上げてきた独自の超小型衛星技術によって、多くの人が当たり前のように宇宙を利用する社会の実現を目指しています。








  • リモートセンシング解析技術を用い、内部、外部の衛星画像の情報分析及び情報抽出作業
  • 顧客の課題解決のためのアイデアを生み出し、その実現可能性を検討し、顧客のニーズに基づいて衛星画像の利用に関連するソリューションサービスを計画および提案し、社内外のエンジニアと協力してサービスを開始
  • 衛星画像利用のためのソリューションサービスの提供と、販売後のアフターエンジニアリングサービス業務
  • 社内エンジニアと連携して衛星画像の品質管理活動や改善活動を実施し、技術的調整業務を実施
  • 社内エンジニアと連携してアクセルグローブサービスの運用サポートおよび改善活動を実施し、技術的調整業務を実施
  • 関連情報を収集し、プロジェクトに付加価値を与える可能性のある関連タスクの実行


  • リモートセンシングやGISツールを使用し、衛星画像や航空写真、ドローンデータなどの地理空間データの解析や処理についての知識、および2年以上の実務経験を有すること。
  • クライアントの潜在ニーズや課題を理解するためのコミュニケーションのスキルとコンサルテーションの経験
  • 製品技術について、英語で海外の顧客や社内関係者とコミュニケーションを取る力(英語を使うことに前向きで、日常会話程度をこなせるレベルであれば、流暢でなくとも構いません)
  • 社内の各部門の調整実務の経験



  • Python, C ++などを使用した画像解析・処理と画像認識の経験
  • データ指向の製品開発/サービス構築の経験(セールスまたはエンジニア)
  • 高度に専門化された産業(農業、林業、エネルギー、保険、政府機関など)の知識
  • プロジェクトマネジメントの経験
  • Jira、Gitlab、Githubなどのコミュニケーションツールの使用経験
  • 地理空間情報データベースシステムやウェブGISアプリケーションの開発経験や知識
  • 営業経験


  • 労働種類:正規雇用、フルタイム
  • 勤務時間:裁量労働
  • 報酬:経験及び能力に応じて面談の上、採用時に決定
  • 通勤手当支給(実費精算)
  • バーチャルオフィス制度(在宅勤務制度)
  • 休日:完全週休2日制(土・日)、祝祭日
  • 休暇:年次有給休暇20日間、慶弔休暇、5年後ボーナス休暇等
  • 英会話学習補助
  • 敷地内禁煙

Axelspace is a pioneer in the micro-satellite industry. Founded in 2008, they want to democratize space technology for daily use.

They started their AxelGlobe business in 2015 to provide a new Earth observation infrastructure using micro-satellites. They also used the first mass-produced satellite production tech in Japan to launch 5 satellites from 2019 to 2021.

With their new service, “Axel Liner,” utilizing a small-satellite mass production system, they can use their satellite projects to support clients outside the space industry.

As the world faces pivotal stages in democratizing satellite development and satellite imagery, Axelspace is actively looking for people who want to take on the challenge of making a global impact with micro-satellite technology. If this is something that excites you, join Axelspace in making their vision of “Space within your reach” come true.

View Axelspace's company page
Remote Sensing Specialist at Axelspace