Fullstack Engineer(とりんく)

  • Tokyo
  • Remote OK
  • Full-time
  • December 23, 2023
Apply from Anywhere 👍
Sponsors Visas
Language Requirements
Japanese: Conversational
English: Conversational

Product Description/プロダクト概要

ExaWizards and VisionWiz* strive to support preschools and enrichment lesson providers in improving their services by fully utilizing “Torinku,” the AI-powered photo service that realises a new type of security monitoring with an AI camera to deliver natural photos of children to their parents, who are not usually privy to their preschool activities. Photos taken every day are delivered to the parents through “Torinku” by the end of the day on a daily basis. The AI camera detects every movement and facial expression of the children, automatically takes pictures, and sorts them. Parents can thus view through these photos their child’s activities at school to which they are not usually privy – in other words, parents can now know how their child behaves in everyday classroom settings, how enthusiastically the child works on a task, how the child tries to do things in the classroom that he/she cannot do at home, etc. *VisionWiz is a domestic subsidiary of ExaWizards. ExaWizards spins out product teams for products that have reached a certain trajectory, or when establishing Joint Venture, to create a freer and faster structure.


毎日撮影された写真はその日のうちにとりんくを通じて保護者に届けられます。 AIカメラが子供たちの動きや表情を検知して自動撮影し、仕分けもしてくれます。 授業での普段の様子や課題へ取り組んでいる様子、家ではできなことに取り組んでいる様子を写真で確認することが可能です。 ※VisonWizはエクサウィザーズの関連会社です。


Job Contents/仕事内容

You will primarily be working in our applications team that is responsible for developing our set of user facing web applications. This role will span across both the frontend and backend using TypeScript. As we are still a small team, you will have the opportunity to wear many different hats and build up other skills such as building out infrastructure, IoT device development, and more.





  • Fullstack development experience with TypeScript
  • Experience in designing and writing tests
  • Knowledge of either MySQL or PostgreSQL
  • Proficiency with Docker ・Eagerness to learn
  • Fluent in English and working-level Japanese proficiency (able to communicate their ideas and participate in conversations for work)  or
  • Fluent in Japanese and working-level English proficiency


  • TypeScriptを用いたフルスタック開発経験
  • テスト設計、テストの経験
  • MySQL or PostgreSQLどちらかの知識
  • Dockerを利用した経験
  • 学習意欲のある方
  • 英語がビジネスレベルで日本語が日常会話レベルの方、もしくは日本語がビジネスレベルで英語が日常レベルの方



  • Experience working with Nuxt (Vue.js) & NestJS
  • Terraform/Infrastructure as code knowledge
  • Experience working with AWS services
  • Team leadership experience & skills


  • Nuxt(Vue.JS)、NestJSの経験
  • Terraform/InfraStructure as a Codeの知識
  • AWSサービスの利用経験
  • チームリーダーとしての経験やスキル

ExaWizards is an AI start-up with a simple mission: solve social issues using AI and create a happy society. But to achieve it, they’re tackling issues across a wide variety of industries: Care tech, HR, fintech, medicine, security and more. They believe AI can help solve problems in all these areas, and they’re determined to do just that. Their business model can be broken into two different flows: project-focused and product-focused. For project-focused initiatives, they start from scratch. Their ML engineers and consultants identify business problems and build models aimed at solving them. In their product flow, they take the ML models developed for specific problems and generalize them to be useful for a wider array of problems. Normally they develop these solutions into SaaS products.

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Fullstack Engineer(とりんく) at ExaWizards