
  • Tokyo
  • Remote OK
  • Full-time
  • July 7, 2023
Apply from Anywhere 👍
Relocation to Japan 👍
(Overseas visa sponsorship supported)
Language Requirements
Japanese: Fluent
English: Business Level
Minimum Experience
Senior or above

What you will do/仕事内容


  • LeapMindの更なるグロースに向けた広報/マーケティング活動の推進 

  • 複数の広報・マーケティングプログラムにおける開発・実行のリード

  • 経営戦略に基づいた企業広報戦略及び企業・製品プロモーションの企画・戦略立案と実行推進

  • メディアパートナーやベンダーとの協業・関係構築

  • プロモーションコンテンツの作成・管理

  • プレスリリース、記事、プレゼンテーション資料等、日英での作成(英文の読み書きやビジネス会話)

You will be responsible for public relations and promotional activities to raise awareness of LeapMind's company and products on a global scale, lead acquisition of customers who need the "Efficiera" product line developed by LeapMind, as well as planning and execution of corporate branding and promotion strategies based on LeapMind's mission/vision and business goals by working closely with executives.

  • Drive marketing activities for corporate growth 

  • Develop/Lead the execution of multiple marketing programs/projects

  • Develop plan and strategy for corporate and product promotions and drive execution

  • Collaborate effectively with media partners and vendors

  • Create/Manage promotion contents

  • Create/Manage press releases, articles, presentation materials in both Japanese and English (English reading, writing, and business conversation required)

What you will need/必須スキル

  • 自社プロダクトの認知・心象を最大化させるためのコミュニケーション戦略の策定、企画立案、施策実行経験

  • ビジネス指標・マーケティングパフォーマンス・顧客動向の分析および説明の経験

  • 以下のような広報・PR、マーケティングのいずれかの経験

  • 広報戦略の企画立案・実行経験

  • マーケティング戦略の企画・実行・改善の実務経験

  • 高いプロジェクト管理能力と分析能力

  • ビジネスレベルの日本語と英語(TOEIC600点以上程度が望ましい)

  • 学士号または同等の実務経験を有する方

  • Experience in developing, planning, and executing communication strategies to maximize the awareness and public perception of the company's products

  • Experience in analyzing and explaining business indicators, marketing performance, and customer trends

  • Experience in any of the following public relations, PR, or marketing

  • Planning and executing public relations strategies

  • Planning, executing and improving marketing strategies

  • Strong project management and analytical skills

  • Business level Japanese and English(TOEIC score of 600 or higher is preferred)

  • Bachelor’s degree or  equivalent work experience

Additional qualifications that are nice to have /歓迎スキル

  • テクノロジー/StartUp企業における職務経験

  • プレスリリースの作成・配信経験・ウェビナー・イベントの企画・運営経験

  • ビジネスレベルの英語海外へ向けて発信するビジネス経験

  • Tech-drivenな企業で海外進出プロジェクトの経験がある方

  • 市場やユーザーインサイトを分析し、広報・マーケティング戦略を策定し、関係者を巻き込んで企画・実行した経験 

  • Google Analyticsや社内分析ツールを用いたオンライン関連数値分析

  • Work experience in a technology/StartUp company

  • Experience in writing and distributing press releases, planning and organizing webinars and events

  • Experience in business level English to broadcast overseas

  • Experience with overseas expansion projects in a Tech-driven company

  • Experience in analyzing the market and user insights, developing PR and marketing strategies, and planning and executing them by involving relevant parties 

  • Online related numerical analysis using Google Analytics and internal analysis tools


  •  「Deep Learning」技術に強い関心がある方

  •    新しい技術を学び、ご自身の経験と結びつけ活かすことができる方

  •    全社的な視点を持ち、経営陣や事業責任者と目線を合わせた対話ができる方

  •    プロジェクトまたは重要な定常業務を、自律的かつ計画的に遂行し、リードを行うことができる

  •    チームプレーを重視し、相手に敬意を払ったコミュニケーションをとることができる方

  •    Have a strong interest in "Deep Learning" technology

  •    Able to learn new technologies and apply them to your own experience

  •    Able to interact with executives and business managers with a company-wide perspective

  •    Able to work autonomously and systematically on and lead projects or significant routine tasks

  •    Strong team player and able to communicate with others in a respectful manner

LeapMind Inc. is developing its business with the company mission, “to create innovative devices with machine learning and make them available everywhere” and our original weight reduction technology for deep learning models, the dedicated circuit design, and leveraging the knowledge gained from the collaboration with more than 150 companies.

Our core product "Efficiera" is an ultra-low power AI inference accelerator that can be implemented on an FPGA device or ASIC/ASSP device, and is specialized for CNN inference operations, taking full advantage of our original deep learning model weight reduction method "extremely low bit quantization". It will enable advanced data processing by deep learning in environments where AI could not be used before.

Ultra low power AI inference accelerator IP EFFICIERA


私たちが開発したコア製品である”Efficiera"は、独自のディープラーニングモデル軽量化手法「極小量子化技術」を最大限に活かす、FPGAデバイス上もしくはASICデバイス上の回路として動作するCNNの推論演算処理に特化した超低消費電力AI推論アクセラレータIPで、今までAIが使えなかったような環境でもdeep learningによる高度な情報処理を可能にします。

超低消費電力AIアクセラレータIP EFFICIERA

View LeapMind's company page
マーケティング・広報 at LeapMind
APPLY NOW  ➜Japanese Required ⚠️