Human Resources Manager

  • Tokyo
  • Remote OK
  • Full-time
  • December 6, 2022
Apply from Anywhere 👍
Relocation to Japan 👍
(Overseas visa sponsorship supported)
Language Requirements
Japanese: Fluent
English: Conversational
Minimum Experience
Senior or above


We are looking for a person who will report directly to the CEO and be responsible for Human Resources (People Operations Division) and lead the reform of the evaluation system and HR system directly related to attracting excellent human resources and solving management and business issues. 

CEO直下で、人事(People Operations Division)の責任者として、優秀な人材の獲得・経営課題・事業課題の解決に直結した評価制度や人事制度の改革をリードしてくださる方を募集します。

  • Planning of organization and recruitment strategies to realize business strategies
  • Formulation, implementation, and operational management of recruitment strategies and tacticsRecruitment channel design and operational management
  • Formulation and operation of evaluation/compensation systems
  • Design and implementation of human resource development/training systems
  • Planning and operational management of various human resource policies
  • Planning and operation of measures to promote corporate culture
  • Budget management operations, including budget preparation, performance management, and forecast preparation


  • 事業戦略を実現するための組織・採用戦略立案
  • 採用戦略・戦術の策定・実行及び運用マネジメント
  • 採用チャネル設計と運用マネジメント
  • 評価/報酬制度の策定及び運用
  • 人材開発/育成体制設計及び実行
  • 各種人事施策の企画・運営マネジメント
  • 企業カルチャー浸透施策の企画運営
  • 予算作成、実績管理、見込み作成などの予算管理業務

We expect you to work with team members as well as the business unit and management team to promote the project while communicating and building consensus. 


必須スキル/Required Skills

  • 5+ years of HR experience (HR strategy, recruiting, evaluation and compensation system design, data analysis, etc.)
  • Team management experience (outside of the HR department is also acceptable)
  • Experience in designing and implementing mid- to long-term HR/recruiting strategies
  • Experience in system implementation from planning to operation
  • Communication and coordination skills to serve as a hub between management and employees
  • English language skills (daily conversational level)
  • A certain level of IT literacy and IT skills (any kind of tools you can use at this time are fine, as long as you are flexible and open to new tools and services).
  • Comfortable communicating with colleagues via chat (Slack)
  • Google Workspace (GMail, Google Calendar, Drive, Docs, Slides, Spreadsheets, etc.)
  • Spreadsheet skills (able to handle simple functions in spreadsheets)

  • 5年以上の人事経験(人事戦略、採用、評価報酬制度設計、データ分析など)
  • チームマネジメント経験(人事部門以外でも結構です)
  • 中長期的な人事/採用戦略の設計と実行の経験
  • システム導入における企画から運用まで携わった経験
  • 経営と社員のハブの役割を担うコミュニケーション力と調整力
  • 英語力(日常会話レベル)
  • 一定のITリテラシー、ITスキル(新しいツールやサービスを柔軟に受け入れる姿勢をお持ちでしたら、現時点で使用できるツールの種類は問いません)
  • チャット(Slack)での業務コミュニケーションに抵抗がない
  • Google Workspace (GMail、Google Calendar, Drive, Docs, Slides, Spreadsheetsなど) 
  • 表計算のスキル(スプレッドシートで簡単な関数が扱える


歓迎スキル/Desirable Skills

  • High level of judgment and autonomy to be responsible for human resources in a growing company, discussing each issue with board members and leaders and leading them constructively to a goal.
  • Highly flexible and able to adapt to a fast changing startup.
  • A person who values business, people, and customer relations.
  • Those who share LeapMind's mission and vision and are able to contribute to the growth of the business and company.

  • 高い判断力と自律性で、成長企業における人事の責任者として、各課題に対してボードメンバーおよび各リーダーと議論し、建設的なゴールへ導くことができる方
  • 柔軟性が高く、変化の速いスタートアップに順応できる方
  • 事業やヒト、顧客との関わりを大切にする方
  • LeapMindのミッション、ビジョンに共感し、事業・会社の成長に対してコントリビューションできる方

LeapMind Inc. is developing its business with the company mission, “to create innovative devices with machine learning and make them available everywhere” and our original weight reduction technology for deep learning models, the dedicated circuit design, and leveraging the knowledge gained from the collaboration with more than 150 companies.

Our core product "Efficiera" is an ultra-low power AI inference accelerator that can be implemented on an FPGA device or ASIC/ASSP device, and is specialized for CNN inference operations, taking full advantage of our original deep learning model weight reduction method "extremely low bit quantization". It will enable advanced data processing by deep learning in environments where AI could not be used before.

Ultra low power AI inference accelerator IP EFFICIERA


私たちが開発したコア製品である”Efficiera"は、独自のディープラーニングモデル軽量化手法「極小量子化技術」を最大限に活かす、FPGAデバイス上もしくはASICデバイス上の回路として動作するCNNの推論演算処理に特化した超低消費電力AI推論アクセラレータIPで、今までAIが使えなかったような環境でもdeep learningによる高度な情報処理を可能にします。

超低消費電力AIアクセラレータIP EFFICIERA

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Human Resources Manager at LeapMind
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