Senior Software Engineer

  • Remote OK - Anywhere in Japan
  • Full-time
  • December 6, 2022
Apply from Anywhere 👍
Relocation to Japan 👍
(Overseas visa sponsorship supported)
Language Requirements
Japanese: Conversational
English: Conversational
Minimum Experience
Senior or above

You will be responsible for the following:

Develop and lead technical projects necessary to achieve team and corporate goals. Also, engage in technical discussions company-wide as needed.

Collaborate with engineers inside and outside the team to design solutions to difficult technical problems.

Propose and drive measures to enhance the quality of the codebase and productivity of the team and the entire company.






必須スキル/Required Skills

  • Bachelor's degree in computer science or relevant technical field, or equivalent work experience
  • Working experience in coding using Python
  • Working experience as a code reviewer
  • Development experience in machine learning
  • Reading and understanding technical documents in English

  • コンピューターサイエンスおよび関連技術分野での学士号、もしくはそれに相当する実務経験
  • Pythonでのコーディング実務経験
  • コードレビューアとしての実務経験
  • 機械学習に関する開発経験
  • 英語の技術ドキュメントの読解


歓迎スキル/Desirable Skills

  • Master's degree or PhD in computer science or relevant technical field, or equivalent work experience
  • Working experience with machine learning frameworks (PyTorch, TensorFlow)
  • Working experience in project management
  • Working experience as a system architect 

  • コンピューターサイエンスおよび関連技術分野での修士ないし博士号、もしくはそれに相当する実務経験
  • 機械学習フレームワーク(PyTorch, TensorFlow)の実務での利用経験
  • プロジェクトマネジメントの実務経験
  • システムアーキテクトの実務経験


  • Able to work reliably (respect HRT principles) as a professional software engineer.
  • Always willing to learn and self-improve.
  • Able to find issues independently and be proactive in driving projects forward.
  • Able to lead a company-wide project autonomously and successfully from start-up to closing with excellent judgment skills, while providing appropriate support to others.
  • Able to build consensus through constructive dialogue and discussion with trust and collaboration to deliver efficient and effective optimal outputs
  • Able to identify issues from facts and phenomena, prepare a document (proposal) that clarifies goals, issues, and best means of addressing them, and explain it to all parties involved, regardless of position. (To ensure transparency and prevent information asymmetry, we emphasize documentation when sharing information)
  • Agree with LeapMind's Mission and Vision, have an interest in our technology and business, and are willing to catch up with them. Have a passion for developing products to solve customer issues.

  • プロのソフトウェアエンジニアとして信頼できる(HRTの原則を尊重できる)働き方ができる方
  • 常に学び続け、自己研鑽を怠らない方
  • 自ら課題を見つけ、プロジェクトを推進することに積極的になれる方
  • 全社規模のプロジェクトの立ち上げからクロージングまでを、周囲を適切にサポートしながら、高い判断力で自律的にリードし成功に導くことができる
  • チームプレーを重視し、相手に敬意を払ったコミュニケーションをとることができる
  • 効率的かつ効果的な最適のアウトプットを出すため、信頼関係と協調性を持った建設的な対話や議論で合意形成を行うことができる
  • 事実・事象から課題を抽出し、目標・課題・ベストな手段を明確にしたドキュメント(プロポーザル)を作成し、役職問わず関係者に説明することができる(透明性と情報の非対称を防ぐため、情報共有の際はドキュメントを重視しています)
  • LeapMindのMission、Vision( )の実現に共感し、弊社の技術やビジネスに興味・関心がありキャッチアップする意欲がある。
  • 顧客課題を解決するための製品開発に情熱を注ぐことができる

LeapMind Inc. is developing its business with the company mission, “to create innovative devices with machine learning and make them available everywhere” and our original weight reduction technology for deep learning models, the dedicated circuit design, and leveraging the knowledge gained from the collaboration with more than 150 companies.

Our core product "Efficiera" is an ultra-low power AI inference accelerator that can be implemented on an FPGA device or ASIC/ASSP device, and is specialized for CNN inference operations, taking full advantage of our original deep learning model weight reduction method "extremely low bit quantization". It will enable advanced data processing by deep learning in environments where AI could not be used before.

Ultra low power AI inference accelerator IP EFFICIERA


私たちが開発したコア製品である”Efficiera"は、独自のディープラーニングモデル軽量化手法「極小量子化技術」を最大限に活かす、FPGAデバイス上もしくはASICデバイス上の回路として動作するCNNの推論演算処理に特化した超低消費電力AI推論アクセラレータIPで、今までAIが使えなかったような環境でもdeep learningによる高度な情報処理を可能にします。

超低消費電力AIアクセラレータIP EFFICIERA

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Senior Software Engineer at LeapMind