Cloud Infrastructure Security Engineer

  • Remote OK - Anywhere in Japan
  • Full-time
  • May 25, 2023
¥8M - ¥14M /yr
Apply from Anywhere 👍
Relocation to Japan 👍
(Overseas visa sponsorship supported)
Language Requirements
Japanese: Not Required 👍
English: Business Level
Minimum Experience
Mid-level or above

Job Description

PayPay is looking for a self-driven and motivated AWS SecOps (Platform Security) Engineer to help secure our payment platform. Our Platform/infrastructure is mainly based on AWS and GCP. *Please note, this position is a part of our Product Security Engineer position, but with a strong focus on AWS security management.

Main Responsibilities

  • Security Architecture reviews and re-design of existing AWS and GCP infrastructure.
  • Security Architecture reviews and design of new AWS and GCP infrastructure.
  • Design and enforce secure infrastructure deployment and deployment flows.
  • Perform Infrastructure security testing and patching to keep up with recent security implementation and best practices.
  • Evaluating and Implementing new security technologies such as vulnerability testing, logging, monitoring and incident responses and maintaining them.
  • Working in a fast paced environment where projects and prioritization may change frequently, security will always remain.

Tech Stack

  • AWS
    • IAM, VPC, KMS, EC2, CloudTrail, SecurityHub and GuardDuty
    • RDS, EKS, Elasticsearch, Elasticache and others
  • GCP
    • BigQuery, Storage & Google Analytics
  • TCP Networking, SSL/TLS, Key Management Systems
  • MySQL/AuroraDB, DynamoDB, ELK, Kafka, Redis, TiDB
  • Terraform, Jenkins, Github Actions
  • Snyk, Snort,
  • PlantUML, Cloudcraft
  • Slack, Zoom


Minimum of 3 years of demonstrated experience security over 200+ servers in a public facing, production environment doing the following:

  • PayPay DevOps emphasizes automation. Demonstrated skill with the following are required:

       - Python

       - Shell Scripting

  • Initial verification, design and implementation of security in AWS using the following AWS Services:

       - IAM, VPC, KMS, EC2, CloudTrail, SecurityHub and GuardDuty

       - Automated security monitoring and incident response in AWS

       - IAC tools in AWS such as Terraform, Ansible

  • Securing Kubernetes and microservice architectures
  • Securing common Linux based infrastructure (primarily Amazon Linux and Ubuntu based) - Securing data systems such as:

        - RDS (e.g. MySQL, Aurora)

        - NoSQL (e.g. Redis, Elasticsearch, Cassandra)

        - MQ (e.g. Kafka)

  • Experience with git and CI/CD tools such as:

        - Jenkins - ArgoCD

  • Motivated to work with the platform and infrastructure for modern system using micro-service architecture

Preferred Qualifications

  • Bachelor's or Master's Degree in Computer Science or related field 
  • Experience with other cloud service providers (e.g GCP)
  • Experience managing Microsoft Windows servers
  • CVE Contributions
  • Open Source tools contributions
  • Published papers / blogs / articles
  • Relevant and verifiable certifications
  • JNLP Level 3 or above

PayPay 5 senses

  • Please refer PayPay 5 senses to learn what we value at work.



また、働き方に関してもWFA(Working From Anywhere)制度など、新しい人事制度を採り入れてます。当社は基本的にフルリモートでの勤務となる為、勤務場所や現在の居住地は問いません。 地方に暮らしながらも国際都市水準の給料・福利厚生を得ながら、世界レベルの仲間と仕事をする。 そんな働き方もPayPayでは実現できます。

【言語要件】日本語 / 英語どちらかが流暢(ビジネスレベル以上)であれば応募いただけます!


  • PayPayはパンデミック期間中、従業員の安全を確保するためにリモートワークへの移行を進めており、パンデミックが治まった後もこれを継続していきます。

  • 日本への移住を希望する方の応募は受け付けていますが、渡航規制の関係で移住の時期を明確にすることが難しい状況です。内定が出た場合は、在留資格認定証明書の申請を行いますので、国境が開通すればビザの取得が容易になりますし、遠隔地からの契約など、特別な配慮をすることも可能です。

  • COVID-19が落ち着き、ビザ発給の準備が整うまでは、海外からリモートで仕事を始めることができます。

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Cloud Infrastructure Security Engineer at PayPay