Product Manager - PMP

  • Tokyo
  • No Remote
  • Full-time
  • March 19, 2021
Apply from Anywhere 👍
Relocation to Japan 👍
(Overseas visa sponsorship supported)
Language Requirements
Japanese: Fluent
English: Business Level


Rapyuta Robotics is a robotics startup with a vision to be the leader in making robots more accessible. The product management team, which you will be part of, is responsible for maintaining the vision and strategy, defining the new products to be built, and managing the products’ development, launch, and ongoing improvement.

To fulfill these responsibilities, the product management team plays a cross functional role, working closely with the CEO, connecting engineering, marketing, sales, business development, and operations. As part of this team, your responsibilities include but not limited to:

  • Analyze user needs and define the product requirements
  • Engage closely with the functional teams to help determine the best execution methods with reasonable execution schedule
  • Work closely with the CEO on maintaining the product roadmap
  • Do the most important things the product needs and don’t have a role yet to cover; hire or delegate to someone else in the medium term; and move on

Is this the right job for you?

  • You get excited about solving complex and ambiguous problems by taking a first-principles approach
  • You can seamlessly execute your solutions
  • You are empathetic and understand that people are more complex than technology
  • You are comfortable communicating and negotiating with cross-functional teams -- you get your points across and people like working with you even if they might disagree with you


Minimum qualifications:

  • Engineering degree in robotics, computer science, or a related field with technical background
  • Experience in developing Information and Communication Technologies
  • Excellent verbal and written English communication skills
  • Product Management mindset, experience is not a must

What makes you stand out:

  • Startup experience
  • B2B product experience


  • Competitive salary
  • Stock options
  • International working environment
  • Relocation and visa support

Rapyuta Roboticsは、世界的に見てもまだ黎明期であるロボティクスプラットフォーム及びロボットソリューションを創造・提供する企業でグローバルスタートアップです。

2014年にロボットのためのインターネットを先駆けたEU FP7プロジェクト「RoboEarth」を手掛けたチューリッヒ工科大学のメンバーが中心となってスピンアウトしました。現在は、日本およびインドにオフィスを構えています。

マシンとマシンを繋げ、人々の生活を豊かにする。我々の信念の一つである、「Empathy (共感)」に基づき、「きつい」「きたない」「危険」の仕事は自動化されるべきだと強く信じています。人々はより知的で創造的な仕事にチャレンジする選択肢を与えられるべきだ思っています。私たちは、円滑で、接続・調整された機械で自動化を可能にしたいと考えています。




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Product Manager - PMP at Rapyuta Robotics
APPLY NOW  ➜Japanese Required ⚠️