■当社概要 / Who We Are
RESTAR’s core mission is to create an active and dynamic real estate market in Japan. RESTAR provides a real estate and geographic information analysis/management platform (BtoB software) for real estate companies and financial institutions. The real estate market generates an incredible amount of data. REMETIS integrates publicly available information and client data to lower real estate transaction costs and simplify complex investment workflows. We show real estate trends and market opportunities so that our clients can make better investment decisions. For our clients, REMETIS improves the underwriting and due diligence process by making it easier to access and understand data. It also promotes information sharing, business standardization, and paperless operations. Although we have proven a market need and obtained product-market-fit, we still believe we are in the beginning stages of building the REMETIS platform. We have many ideas for the future expansion of the platform.
We are looking for people who are excited about building successful features and products for the real estate market. You’ll get to work with other experienced engineers to release features that have a meaningful impact on our clients. You'll do well at RESTAR if you’re comfortable in an environment where building quality software comes first and if you're comfortable learning new technologies and systems.
■当社の社風/We're Building A Culture Of
- 多様なバックグラウンドと考え方を歓迎します、最適な判断は全社員が積極的に議論に参加することでなされると確信しています
- 技術的論点に加え、個人的な関心や期待についても、相互に敬意をもった積極的なコミュニケーションを重視します
- 常に新たなことを学び、改善を重ねていくことを求めます
- 変化やイノベーションを恐れず、むしろ追求します
- 絶え間ない成長を追求します
- Seeking and embracing diverse viewpoints. We believe the best decisions are made when everyone contributes to the discussion.
- Respectful and proactive communication about technical tradeoffs, personal needs, and expectations.
- Continuous improvement and continuous learning.
- Embracing change and innovation.
- Pursuing sustainable growth.
■業務内容/You will:
- プロダクトの品質全般における継続的改善
- 実用的で再現性のあるテストスイート、テスト計画、テストケースの開発、メンテナンス及び実行
- トラブル発生時の対応と報告・ドキュメント化
- 諸課題を解決するためのチームメンバーとの協業
- ベストプラクティスの活用による社内テスト基準の定義、強化の推進
- 継続的な不動産業界に関する知見の向上
- 継続的な弊社技術スタックに関する知見の向上
- 必要に応じた新技術の学習
- Contribute to continuously improving the overall quality of our product.
- Develop, maintain, and execute reusable Test Suites, Test Plans, and Test Cases.
- Troubleshoot issues and document concise reports.
- Collaborate with colleagues from different teams to resolve diverse challenges.
- Utilize best practices to help define and enhance internal testing standards.
- Continuously improve understanding of the real estate industry and domain.
- Continuously improve knowledge of the technologies we use.
- Learn new skills and knowledge as needed.
- テスト管理: Qase
- タスク管理:GitHub, Asana
- コミュニケーションツール:Discord
- 技術スタック:Elixir, Phoenix, Vue, Typescript, PostgreSQL, Elasticsearch, AWS
- Test Management: Qase
- Issue Management: GitHub, Asana
- Team Messaging: Discord
- Tech Stack: Elixir, Phoenix, Vue, Typescript, PostgreSQL, Elasticsearch, AWS
■求める人物像/Who You Are
- ソフトウェアの品質、一貫性及び文書化に情熱を持って取り組める方
- 機能の正確な動作仕様を特定することに専念し、不具合を発見することに強い執念を持つ方
- 協調的な環境で活力を得て、多様な関係者を巻き込んで様々な観点からアイデアを出し合い、協力して前向きに業務に取り組める方
- スタートアップ企業の一員として、会社への貢献やプロダクトの構築に熱意を以て取り組める方
- 研究やコーチングを受け入れる事を通じて、常に新しいスキルや知識を学ぶ意欲がある方
- 必須要件:
- 2年間のマニュアルQA経験
- 多様なチームと効率的に協力するための優れたコミュニケーションスキル
- よく整理されて再利用可能なテストケースを作成するための優れたドキュメンテーションスキル
- 根本原因の分析と、よく文書化されたバグレポートのための熟練したトラブルシューティングスキル
- テストやトラブルシューティングを妨げる問題を解決する責任感
- 分析とトラブルシューティングのためのSQLの実用的な理解
- 日常会話レベルの日本語能力
- シード/シリーズAステージでのスタートアップ企業における業務経験
- アジャイル開発での業務経験
- テストケース管理のための最新ツールの使用経験
You are someone who:
- Has a genuine passion for software quality, consistency, and good documentation.
- Is tenacious on discovering defects and dedicated to identifying accurate expected behavior of features.
- Thrives in a collaborative environment by sharing relevant ideas and accepting different opinions.
- Finds excitement working in a startup where contributions can shape the product in a significant way.
- Is constantly motivated to learn new skills and knowledge through research and by being coacheable.
- Must have:
- 2 Years of Manual QA Experience.
- Strong communication skills for effective collaboration with a diverse team.
- Great documentation skills for developing well-organized and reusable Test Cases.
- Proficient troubleshooting skills for root cause analysis and well-documented bug reports.
- Strong sense of responsibility for resolving issues that may block testing or troubleshooting.
- Practical understanding of SQL for analysis and troubleshooting.
Nice to have:
- Conversational-level Japanese
- Experience working at a Seed or Series-A startup
- Experience working with an Agile Development Team
- Experience using modern tools for Test Case Management
■職場環境/Work Environment
- アーリーステージのスタートアップのため、ユーザー等からの直接的なフィードバックを踏まえて、インパクトのあるプロダクト開発・ビジネスの構築に携われる環境
- 技術的な議論を積極的に推奨する文化・可読性の高いコード・継続的な学習(社内勉強会など)といった、技術的優位性を追求する組織体制
- 完全なリモートワークも可能かつ、立地・設備・景観を兼ね備えたオフィス環境
- 注意: リモートワーク可能ですが、日本に来ていただいての就労を想定しています。
- 注意: リモートワーク可能ですが、日本に来ていただいての就労を想定しています。
- An early-stage startup environment where you can still contribute and shape the product in a significant way, with direct access to stakeholders
- A team focused on technical excellence, with a culture of technical debates, clean code, and continuous learning (e.g. internal training sessions)
- A gorgeous office near Shinagawa station, but possible to work remotely
- Notice: Although remote work is possible, please be aware that we primarily envision employment in Japan.
- 東京都港区港南2-15-1 品川インターシティA棟22階 SPROUND
- SPROUND 22nd floor,Shinagawa Intercity Building A, 2-15-1, Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo
- 年俸制 年収: 経験に応じてご相談
- 雇用形態:専門業務型裁量労働制
- 契約期間:正社員(期間のさだめなし)
- 試用期間:3ヶ月
- 業績に応じて、ストックオプションを付与する場合あり
- 健康保険 厚生年金 雇用保険 労災保険
- 完全週休二日制 土 日 祝日
- 勤務時間:
- 裁量労働制により、1日あたり8時間働いたものとみなされます
- 始業および終業時間は下記時間帯を基本とし、労働者の決定に委ねる。
- 1). 始業時間:10時00分(JST)
- 2). 終業時間:19時00分(JST)
- 有給休暇 20 日 (1,4,7,10月1日にそれぞれ5日ずつ付与)
- 緊急休暇(有給):緊急時、育児・介護休業、子の看護等に使途を限定、採用日において5日の緊急休暇を付与。以降、毎年1月1日において5日の緊急休暇を付与
- 就業場所全面禁煙
- Annual salary scheme: To be discussed based on experience
- Employee status:Professional Discretionary Working system
- Contract term:Permanent
- Probation:3months
- Stock options may be granted based on performance
- Health Insurance, Pension, Employment insurance, Workers' accident compensation insurance
- Saturdays, Sundays, and National holidays including Golden Week and New Year
- Working hours:
- You are considered to have worked 8 hours per day under the Discretionary working System
- The start time and the end time of the work day is set out below as a standard, but is left to the discretion of the Employee.
- 1. Start time: 10:00am(JST)
- 2. End time: 19:00pm(JST)
- 20 days paid leave (5 days paid leaves are granted on 1/1, 4/1, 7/1, 10/1 every year)
- Special paid leave for Family and Medical:Employees shall be granted five (5) days of special paid leave on the date of hire. Thereafter, five (5) days of emergency leave shall be granted on January 1 of each year
- Total smoking ban in the workplace
RESTAR’s core mission is to create an active and dynamic real estate market in Japan. They provide a real estate and geographic information analysis/management platform (BtoB software) for real estate companies and financial institutions.
The real estate market generates an incredible amount of data. REMETIS integrates publicly available information and client data to lower real estate transaction costs and simplify complex investment workflows. We show real estate trends and market opportunities so that our clients can make better investment decisions.
For our clients, REMETIS improves the underwriting and due diligence process by making it easier to access and understand data. It also promotes information sharing, business standardization, and paperless operations. Although we have proven a market need and obtained product-market-fit, we still believe we are in the beginning stages of building the REMETIS platform. We have many ideas for the future expansion of the platform.
We are looking for people who are excited about building successful features and products for the real estate market. You’ll get to work with other experienced engineers to build features that have a meaningful impact on our clients. You'll do well at RESTAR if you’re comfortable in a fast-paced environment where building software comes first; comfortable learning new technologies and systems; comfortable moving across the stack.
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