Product Manager

  • Tokyo
  • Partial Remote
  • Full-time
  • January 18, 2024
¥5M - ¥8M /yr
Apply from Japan Only
(You must live in Japan to apply)
Language Requirements
Japanese: Business Level
English: Business Level
Minimum Experience
Mid-level or above


We are currently seeking a Junior Product Manager to achieve more effective and user-centered product development. Our current challenge lies in the fact that the requirements definition for user interviews and necessary features is being conducted by the representative, resulting in gaps and adjustments during the implementation of user stories. Through this recruitment, we aim to define requirements based on user demands, enhance collaboration with engineers and designers, and promote product development that provides optimal value to users.



  • Collect user feedback and demands, and incorporate them into product improvements and new feature proposals.
  • Define requirements for user stories, clearly identifying the actions and conditions necessary to realize the desired value for users.
  • Collaborate with engineers and designers, assigning necessary resources and coordinating to implement the requirements.
  • Manage project progress, establish release plans, and ensure timely delivery of features.
  • Conduct research on user usage patterns and market trends to consider strategic directions for the product.


Scope of Responsibility

  • Responsible for requirements definition and improvement of user stories, actively pursuing realization through collaboration with engineers and designers.
  • Accountable for project progress and quality, ensuring on-time feature releases.
  • Analyze user feedback and market trends to contribute to product improvements and strategic planning.
  • Participate in communication and decision-making within the product team, contributing to the overall team achievements.


Required Skills and Experience

  • Possess a user-centered mindset and the ability to understand and incorporate user needs into requirements definition.
  • Strong communication skills to collaborate effectively with engineers and designers, facilitating project coordination and management.
  • Fundamental knowledge and understanding of product development (agile methodologies, user stories, project management, etc.).
  • Experience in data analysis, market research, and decision-making for strategic planning is a plus.
  • Proficiency in Japanese for communication (verbal and written) and basic English reading and writing skills.







  • ユーザーの要望やフィードバックを収集し、プロダクトの改善や新機能の提案に反映する。
  • ユーザーストーリーの要件定義を行い、ユーザーが望む価値を実現するために必要な条件やアクションを明確にする。
  • エンジニアやデザイナーと連携し、要件の実装に必要なリソースのアサインや調整を行う。
  • プロジェクトの進捗管理やリリース計画の策定を行い、期限内に機能のリリースを達成する。
  • ユーザーの使用状況やマーケット動向の調査を行い、プロダクトの戦略的な方向性を検討する。



  • ユーザーストーリーの要件定義と改善を担当し、エンジニアやデザイナーとの連携を通じて実現を追求する。
  • プロジェクトの進捗や品質に責任を持ち、期限内に機能をリリースする。
  • ユーザーのフィードバックや市場動向を分析し、プロダクトの改善や戦略立案に貢献する。
  • プロダクトチーム内でのコミュニケーションや意思決定に参加し、チーム全体の成果に貢献する。



  • ユーザーセンタードなマインドセットを持ち、ユーザーのニーズを理解し、要件定義に反映できる能力
  • エンジニアやデザイナーと協働し、プロジェクトの進行管理やリソースの調整を円滑に行うコミュニケーションスキル
  • プロダクト開発における基礎的な知識と理解(アジャイル開発、ユーザーストーリー、プロジェクト管理など)
  • データ分析や市場調査に基づいた意思決定や戦略立案の経験は歓迎されます。
  • 日本語でのビジネスレベルのコミュニケーション能力(会話・文書化)と英語でのビジネスレベルの読み書き能力

SIVA runs an online platform that helps companies manage their digital marketing. They’ve been in business for 7 years, and have been building their online platform “Squad beyond” for 2.5 years.

SIVA’s product supports the long-term success of its users by visualizing and streamlining all resources and their traceability, starting from production and operation.

As of 2023, the Annual Recurring Revenue is approaching the high single-digit billions of yen mark, and the number of users has increased more than 25-fold in two years.

SIVA has hundreds of companies and thousands of customers, and a 98% retention rate.

SIVA’s growth in Japan was achieved by focusing on specific customer segments and niche areas and acquiring users in a sales-driven manner. As they expand overseas, they aim to broaden their customer base, centered on product-led growth gradually and are in the process of expanding the size of the organization.

A small number of employees make up the development organization. In order to improve long-term scalability, they are in the process of hiring foreign engineers and ramping up their agile development processes starting in 2023.

View SIVA's company page