Server-side Engineer (PlayStation™ Network Server Application Development)

  • Tokyo
  • Partial Remote
  • Full-time
  • October 1, 2024
Apply from Japan Only
(You must live in Japan to apply)
Language Requirements
Japanese: Business Level
English: Conversational
Minimum Experience
Mid-level or above

1. Job Description

Job Details

We are developing server applications for a platform for network services for games. This platform is provided not only for game consoles, but also for mobile and PC, and is one of the world's largest network services. Examples of services include messaging with friends, voice chat, score ranking, and matchmaking, and we are looking for new people to expand these services.

We develop our own services, and our work includes a wide range of tasks such as requirement definition, design, coding, testing and other development work, as well as collaboration with client development teams and global organizations, DevOps for live service operation, and communication with game developers. As we use the agile method of Scrum for development, we divide up these various tasks and carry them out within the Scrum team. This job is for a member of the Scrum team for development work.


Organization/workplace introduction

We are working every day to provide the best possible playground for people all over the world, transcending all ages and races, through the entertainment of games.

Our organization is characterized by its global scale, both in terms of the organization itself and the platforms it provides. The organization for this position is developing services in cooperation with teams mainly in the United States, and the platforms it provides handle huge amounts of traffic from users around the world every day. In this environment, we are taking on various challenges in terms of English language ability and technical skills. This includes opportunities for meetings and business trips with overseas teams.

The fact that we are a platformer developing our own services also affects the breadth of our work. In addition to B2C for general game players, we also provide B2B to support partner companies developing games, and we are developing not only Web APIs that handle huge amounts of traffic, but also Web applications for business use.

As an organization, we encourage people to explore better and new ways of doing things, and there are various teams with different personalities, including some that go beyond their own roles to take a full-stack approach. The atmosphere of the teams varies, but there are many employees in their 20s and 30s, and even the younger generation can speak up and have flat discussions. Because many employees like games, there are frequent conversations about the company's products and games.

The standard career path is to start as a member of a team, and in the future you could take on a leadership role in areas such as product, technology, or team management. Alternatively, you could also work as a specialist at the forefront of development. Please let us know your thoughts on your career.


Technical areas used

While the current knowledge of these technologies  is not required, we arelooking for individuals with the ability to think critically and build software based on fundamental principles.

  • Cloud Native (Currently utilizing AWS, containers, and microservices, with service mesh being implemented)
  • System requirement definition / design
  • Java and Python
  • RDB and KVS
  • REST API and web technology
  • Server development and operation using Kubernetes and Linux
  • Web service testing and test automation
  • CI/CD toolchain
  • GitHub
  • Agile (Scrum)
  • DevOps



If you are interested in these unique experiences that can be gained in our environment, please consider joining us.
We are looking forward to working with people who are enthusiastic about further accelerating the success of our platform and opening up new business opportunities.

  • Work on and contribute to products that are known by many people around the world
  • Immediately receive feedback from around the world on the products you are in charge of releasing via SNS
  • Work on large-scale systems that handle some of the largest traffic volumes in Japan and around the world
  • Work in a global environment
  • Enjoy change while embracing it in a fast-changing business environment


2. Qualifications needed


  • At least 2 years of experience developing or operating server applications for network services
  • Basic knowledge of Linux



  • Experience developing using Java or Python
  • Experience developing using AWS SDK
  • Experience developing in a team, or leading a team
  • Experience designing and developing in other programming languages


Candidate Profile

  • Someone who can communicate openly with others
  • Someone who is interested in a variety of technologies
  • Someone who is interested in developing global/large-scale services
  • Someone who is passionate about the products they develop
  • Someone who can find joy in the results and growth of the team


Required Language Skill

[Japanese] We use Japanese in our day-to-day work. You will need basic Japanese communication skills for speaking in meetings, reading existing Japanese documents, and reading and writing in chat and business tools.

[English] There are many opportunities to communicate in English (for speaking, writing documents, chatting, email, business trips, presentations, etc.) in order to work closely with staff at each of our global locations. If you have the motivation to improve yourself, your current language skills are not a problem.


1. 仕事内容



私たちはゲーム向けネットワークサービスのプラットフォームのためのサーバーアプリケーションを開発しています。このプラットフォームは、ゲームコンソールだけでなく、モバイルや PC 向けにも提供しており、世界でも有数の大規模ネットワークサービスです。サービスの一例としてフレンドとのメッセージ、ボイスチャット、スコアランキングやマッチメイキングなどがあり、これらのサービスをさらに拡大するために新しい人材を募集しています。
私たちのサービスは自社で開発しており、業務内容は要件定義、設計、コーディング、テスト等の開発業務に加え、クライアント開発チーム/グローバル組織との協業、DevOps でライブ感のあるサービス運用、ゲーム開発者とのコミニュケーションなど多岐にわたります。私たちは開発を Scrum というアジャイル方式で行っているため、これらの様々な業務を Scrum チーム内で役割分担をして遂行しています。本求人の対象は、開発業務の Scrum チームのメンバーです。



私たちが自社でサービス開発を行っているプラットフォーマーであることは、業務の幅の広さにも影響しています。一般のゲームプレイヤー向けの B2C だけではなく、ゲームを開発するパートナー企業をサポートするための B2B も提供しており、巨大なトラフィックを処理する Web API の開発だけではなく、業務向けの Web アプリケーションの開発も行っています。
組織としてより良いやり方や新しいやり方を模索することが推奨されており、チームによっては自分の役割を超えてフルスタックな取り組みを行うなど、様々な個性のチームがあります。チームの雰囲気は様々ですが 20 代、30 代の社員も多く、若い世代の方であっても意見が言えてフラットに議論ができる職場です。ゲーム好きな社員が多いため、自社の製品やゲームについて会話することも頻繁にあります。



  • Cloud Native (AWS やコンテナ、マイクロサービスを活用中、サービスメッシュは導入中)
  • システム要件定義 / 設計
  • Java や Python
  • RDB や KVS
  • REST API と Web 技術
  • Kubernetes と Linux を用いたサーバ開発・運用
  • Web サービスのテスト及びテストの自動化
  • CI/CD ツールチェイン
  • GitHub
  • アジャイル (Scrum)
  • DevOps



  • 世界中の多くの人が知っているプロダクトに携わり、貢献する
  • 自分が担当しリリースしたプロダクトの反響が、すぐに全世界から SNS で届く
  • 日本有数、世界的にも大規模なトラフィックを扱う大規模システムに携わる
  • グローバルな環境で働く
  • 変化の早いビジネス環境で、変化を受け入れてながら変化を楽しむ


2. 応募資格


  • 2年以上のネットワークサービスのサーバアプリケーション開発もしくは運用経験
  • 基本的な Linux の知識



  • Java もしくは Python を用いた開発経験
  • AWS SDK を扱った開発経験
  • チームでの開発経験、チームリーディング経験
  • その他プログラミング言語による設計・開発経験



  • 周囲とオープンなコミュニケーションが取れる方
  • 様々な技術に興味を持っている方
  • グローバル/大規模なサービス開発に興味を持っている方
  • 開発したプロダクトに情熱が持てる方
  • チームとしての成果・成長に喜びを見いだせる方



[日本語] 普段の業務では日本語を用います。ミーティングなどでの会話、既存の日本語ドキュメントの読解、チャットやビジネスツールなどでの読み書きのために、基本的な日本語のコミュニケーションスキルが必要です。
[英語] グローバルに存在する各拠点のスタッフとの密な連携のため、英語によるコミュニケーション(口頭での会話、ドキュメント作成、チャット、メール、出張、プレゼンテーションなど)が必要となる機会が多くあります。自ら向上する意欲があれば現在の語学力は問いません。

Sony Interactive Entertainment pushes the boundaries of entertainment and innovation, starting from the launch of the original PlayStation in Japan in 1994.

Today, we continue to deliver innovative and thrilling experiences to a global audience through our PlayStation line of products and services that include generation-defining hardware, pioneering network services, and award-winning games.

Headquartered in San Mateo, California, with global functions in California, London, and Tokyo, and game development studios around the world as part of PlayStation Studios, we believe that the power of play is borderless.

Sony Interactive Entertainment is a wholly owned subsidiary of Sony Group Corporation.

For more information about PlayStation products, please visit

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Server-side Engineer (PlayStation™ Network Se... at Sony Interactive Entertainment
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