Tech Lead (Medical/ Care/ New Product)

  • Tokyo
  • Remote OK
  • Full-time
  • December 23, 2023
Apply from Anywhere 👍
Relocation to Japan 👍
(Overseas visa sponsorship supported)
Language Requirements
Japanese: Conversational
English: Business Level


Role 仕事内容

・Decide technical policy, directionality and decision-making in the whole business
・In charge of system design at the time of developing business (system architect)
・Technical support for solution proposal, creation of required technical checklist
・Develop web application products on top of our machine learning backend
・Architect, design, and implement end-user branded web applications (frontend + backend)
・Develop core web infrastructure underlying all products (API server, user identity, payments, access control, etc.)

・事業立ち上げ時のシステム設計主担当 (アーキテクト)

Minimum Skill/Experience 必須要件

・Experience with Web App development experience more than 5 years
・Knowledge of at least a language and a framework such as Node.js, Python, React, TypeScript
・Strong Knowledge of networks and databases
・Strong Knowledge of algorithms and data structures
・Experience with Agile/Scrum software development
・-Bi-lingual (business English & Japanese daily conversation or English daily conversation & Japanese native)

・Node.js, Python, React, TypeScriptなどの言語・ツールの知識・使用経験
・日英バイリンガル(ビジネスレベルの英語力かつ日本語日常会話以上 または 英語日常会話以上かつ日本語ネイティブ)

Preferred Skill/Experience 歓迎要件

・Experience with Tech Lead(Architecture, technology selection, code review etc)
・Experience with DevOps(Docker、Kebernates、CI/CD)
・Experience with working at startups
・Strong work initiative


Screening Process 面接プロセス

▼Documentation Check
▼Online Coding Interview
▼1st Interview
▼2nd Interview
▼Final Interview
▼Offer Interview


  • 応募する


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Tech Lead (Medical/ Care/ New Product) at Exawizards