Engineering Manager

  • Tokyo
  • Partial Remote
  • Full-time
  • June 19, 2024
9,000,000 - 15,000,000 JPY /yr
Apply from Anywhere 👍
Relocation to Japan 👍
(Overseas visa sponsorship supported)
Language Requirements
Japanese: Conversational
English: Business Level
Minimum Experience
Senior or above


As our business expands, we already have a software engineering organization with around 30 engineers. In this context, there are still areas where we are immature as an organization and where we have not yet caught up with the construction of systems. As more and more products and projects are developed, there are cases where optimal engineering management is not possible.WealthPark is looking for an Engineering Manager who can take on the challenge of creating a place where engineers can be more active.


Job Description

Development Management

  • Management of engineering development resource allocation, development status/progress, and visualization for these things
    • Management of resources here is not about the micromanagement of the engineers here, but about whether the resources of the entire engineering organization are properly allocated.
  • Act as a contact point for the engineering side and handle the necessary communication with PDM and the business side. As a responsibility of EM, solve or support any issue that the engineering organization has to execute
  • Expect to be responsible for project management, if necessary.


Technical Management

  • Facilitating a better process of technology selection, alignment of members and sense of organization, and discussion on technical policies.
  • Responsible for planning and implementing solutions to issues that arise during system operation from a technical perspective. We expect you to deeply commit to the operation as well.


People Management

  • Solving organizational issues
  • Goal Setting & Evaluation & Feedback system design
    • WealthPark’s maturity as an engineering organization is still in its infancy, and we need to create and improve mechanisms for goal setting, evaluation, and feedback. You will not only be responsible for goal setting and evaluation but will also be committed to building the system
  • 1-on-1 MTG with members
    • For example, we expect to understand the issues of the entire engineering organization through 1-on-1 and prepare a better environment for engineers.



  • Recruit great engineers in collaboration with our HR team
  • Communicate the appeal of the company to candidates through casual interviews.
  • Interviews


Technical Product Management

  • Define detailed development requirements for projects that are technically complicated and hard for PDMs to define all the requirements
  • Communicate the requirements and specs to both the engineering side and the business/product side
  • Negotiate and communicate the requirements and development schedule/status with stakeholders such as a third-party vendor, a customer’s IT department, etc



  • 4+ years of experience leading an engineering organization or team
  • 6+ years of development experience(organizational management period can be included.)


Technical Skills / Experiences

  • Managing a multicultural team
  • Hiring engineers (application screening, interviewing, etc.)
  • Evaluation and follow-up of engineers (evaluation interviews, target setting, career advice, 1on1, etc.)
  • Strong experience in at least one of the following:
    • Backend: Design, development, and operation for APIs using programming languages such as PHP, Ruby, Go, Python, etc.
    • Frontend: Development related to frontend fields such as web browsers, JavaScript, TypeScript, React.js, Next.js, or Redux
    • Mobile: Development related to Mobile application development using Swift, Kotlin


Soft Skills

  • English (90% of engineers are non-Japanese. We are a very international team.)
  • Communication in Japanese
  • Highly organized person.
  • Have motivation for team development.
  • Be able to weigh several, and often conflicting constraints and make decisions in a fast-moving and quickly-growing company.
  • Continuously learn new technologies and find ways to solve issues and requirements.



  • Experience working in the real estate or Fintech industry
  • Managed multiple teams or a large organization
  • Experienced in performance optimization


Selection Process

  1. Document Screening
  2. 1st Interview
  3. 2nd Interview
  4. Final Interview


Work Style

  • 10:00~19:00 (flextime system, core time 11:00 to 16:00)
  • WealthPark requires their members to come to Japan if they are living abroad. There is no designated in-office day, but full remote work is not possible, and it is necessary to live within a commuting area from the office.



2018年11月には米国へ進出し、米国の不動産テック・コミュニティとの関係強化を積極的に進めています。また、世界の不動産テック企業が集う「WealthPark NYC」では日本のスタートアップ企業で初めてオフィシャルイベントとして認定されました。不動産テックの本場ニューヨークから、グローバル市場を見据えて挑戦し続けています。

会社全体として、社員の半数以上が外国籍(12か国以上)で構成されたダイバシティ豊かなチームです。現在社内公用語は日本語ですが、英語対応を進めており、国籍に関係なく優秀な人材が活躍できる環境を積極的に構築しています。 また、エンジニアリング部門は多国籍人材が9割以上というグローバルな環境で、日本語を不問としており、英語環境です。


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Engineering Manager at WealthPark