Senior Web Engineer

  • Tokyo
  • Remote OK - Anywhere in Japan
  • Full-time
  • January 25, 2024
Apply from Anywhere 👍
Relocation to Japan 👍
(Overseas visa sponsorship supported)
Language Requirements
Japanese: Conversational
English: Business Level


We’re a startup company which is based in Shibuya, Tokyo. We’re in expanding phase, so are looking for some full-time web engineers.

Our Service and Product
We’re running WorldShopping which enables Japanese E-Commerce sites to sell their products internationally to foreign customers by only injecting a piece of JavaScript tag into their sites. We’ve supported over 1000+ Japanese EC sites like Fashion, Animaon, Hobby, etc. Delivering wonderful products throughout the world is our pleasure.

Development Team
Development team consists of some full-time and freelancers. Some of us are working at the office but most of engineers are working remotely. Our preferences on development are currently like these.

  • TypeScript
  • React
  • GraphQL
  • Serverless Framework
  • Elasticsearch
  • Salesforce
  • CI/CD (CircleCI)
  • Pair Programming
  • Scrum

We basically speak in English during team meetings and pair programming. Also, tasks are managed in English. But Japanese is spoken during the meetings involving other teams like Sales, Service and etc.


  • Clarifying uncertainness (Ask questions, Breaking down the issue into parts)
  • Curiosity on business growth (Measure and improve)
  • Team Development (Respect other members and work with commitment)
  • Comfortable with modern web technologies e.g. React, TypeScript, Babel, Webpack, Headless browser, Serverless, etc
  • Interests on Japanese culture

You would need to pass coding test or pair programming session with us after 1st interview.


  • Working permit / Visa support
  • Social insurance / Welfare pension insurance, Labor insurance
  • Annual leave
  • Expense: Transportation fee (max 30,000 yen/month), Development tools, Seminars, etc
  • Remote work

Language Levels

  • English: Advanced
  • Japanese: Beginner (N5-N4)

株式会社ジグザグは国境を気にせず安心・安全・簡単・自由にショッピングや販売ができるよう購入者と販売者双方を支援する越境EC支援サービス「WorldShopping BIZ(ワールドショッピングビズ)」を運営しています。WorldShopping BIZは、日本のECサイトにJavaScriptのタグを1行設定するだけで、世界125ヵ国の外国に住むユーザーへ日本のモノを安心に届ける仕組みです。


【言語要件】日本語 / 英語どちらか一方ができれば、応募いただけます!

zig-zag's policies during COVID-19 are as follows:

  • Zig-zag is working fully remotely.
  • Participation is optional of course, but they do occasionally have in-person events when welcoming new members.
View ジグザグ's company page
Senior Web Engineer at ジグザグ