Mobile application Engineer (iOS)

  • Tokyo
  • Remote OK
  • Full-time
  • September 6, 2023
Apply from Anywhere 👍
Relocation to Japan 👍
(Overseas visa sponsorship supported)
Language Requirements
Japanese: Not Required 👍
English: Business Level


Mission ミッション

「AIを用いた社会課題解決を通じて、幸せな社会を実現する」をミッションに、現在、HR Tech、Fin Tech、Med Tech、Care Tech、Robot Tech領域でアプリケーションを開発しています。

Developing mobile applications in the areas of HR Tech, Fin Tech, Med Tech, Care Tech, and Robot Tech with the mission "Solving social issues using AI."

Role 仕事内容

モバイルアプリケーションの開発を担うポジションです。本人の希望や経験、スキルセットによってTech Leadとして開発のリードや、メンバーのマネジメントを担っていただく可能性もあります。。

This position is responsible for the development of mobile applications.
・Client-side development of applications (in collaboration with UI/UX team)
・Back-end development of BtoB products using machine learning (in collaboration with machine learning engineers)
・Application architecture design
・Infrastructure development for mobile applications (API server, identity, payment, access control, etc.)
・Other activities such as recruiting, public relations, and participation in team/organizational development, depending on the individual's intentions

Minimum Skill/Experience 必須要件


・Experiences of iOS mobile application development using Swift more than 3years
・Experience with mobile application development
・Knowledge of networks and databases
・Japanese business level or English business level

Preferred Skill/Experience 歓迎要件


・Experiences of Android mobile application development using Kotlin
・interests and understanding of medical/pharmaceutical industry, caregiving industry, or
financial industry
・Knowledge of algorithms and data structures

貴方が得られること - 社内のエンジニアの声

・AIの個別技術やMachine Learningの部分だけでなく、その周辺領域・応用的な技術を取り込みながら、現場で使えるプロダクトの開発経験
・最新の機械学習/Deep Learningの実践的理解

・Experience in creating highly challenging products to solve social issues in a wide range of business domains from scratch.
・Experience in developing products that can be used in the field while incorporating not only individual AI technologies and Machine Learning, but also peripheral and applied technologies.
・Experience developing processes in which AI engineers and software engineers collaborate to find the best products, such as how to hold data in AI components, architecture considering algorithm characteristics, and visualization of learning and prediction results
・Practical understanding of the latest machine learning/Deep Learning

Interview Process 面接プロセス

1. 書類選考
2. コーディングテスト
3. 一次面接
4. 二次面接
5. 最終面接

1. document screening
2. Online coding test
3. 1st interview 
4. 2nd interview
5. Final interview

  • 応募する

ExaWizards is an AI start-up with a simple mission: solve social issues using AI and create a happy society. But to achieve it, they’re tackling issues across a wide variety of industries: Care tech, HR, fintech, medicine, security and more. They believe AI can help solve problems in all these areas, and they’re determined to do just that. Their business model can be broken into two different flows: project-focused and product-focused. For project-focused initiatives, they start from scratch. Their ML engineers and consultants identify business problems and build models aimed at solving them. In their product flow, they take the ML models developed for specific problems and generalize them to be useful for a wider array of problems. Normally they develop these solutions into SaaS products.

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Mobile application Engineer (iOS) at ExaWizards