Field Application Engineer

  • Remote OK
  • Full-time
  • December 1, 2022
Apply from Anywhere 👍
Relocation to Japan 👍
(Overseas visa sponsorship supported)
Language Requirements
Japanese: Business Level
English: Business Level
Minimum Experience
Senior or above


As a Field Application Engineer, you are expected to contribute to LeapMind's mission "to create innovative devices with machine learning and make them available everywhere" by leveraging selling skills and business expertise.

You will be responsible for executing a whole series of tasks ranging from drafting technological proposals to supporting the implementation which makes the most of our technologies. For this, you need to understand not only market trends and technological developments but also customer projects.

You are expected to collaboratively work with internal teams, such as legal, intellectual property, and engineering, and propose methods of implementing deep learning technologies on devices and methods of system constructions using the technologies.



法務、知財、技術などの内部チームと連携して、Deep Learning技術のデバイスへの実装方法およびそれを応用したシステム構築方法の提案を行う。


必須スキル/Required Skills 

  • Must have experience in project management related to embedded system development based on application processors
  • Must have experience in sales and technical supports with overseas customers as well as domestic customers
  • Can demonstrate excellent communication ability within and outside of the team

  • アプリケーションプロセッサを用いた組込みシステム開発に関連するプロジェクトのマネジメント経験があること。
  • 日本国内だけでなく、海外拠点の顧客に対する営業活動、あるいは技術サポート経験があること。
  • チームの内外と優れたコミュニケーションを取れること。


歓迎スキル/Desirable Skills

  • Have use experience of a semiconductor IP license, semiconductor/FPGA designing tools, and software developing tools
  • Have fundamental knowledge about the structure of general SoC and structure of embedded system based on ASSPs
  • Have fundamental knowledge about image recognition and/or image processing using deep learning or conventional technologies

  • 半導体IP製品、半導体/FPGA設計ツールおよびソフトウェア開発ツールの使用経験がある方
  • 一般的なSoCの構造およびASSPを利用した組込みシステムの構造に関する基礎知識をお持ちの方
  • Deep Learningあるいは従来技術による画像認識・画像処理に関する基礎知識をお持ちの方


  • A person who is highly interested in deep learning technology and edge computing.
  • A person who can efficiently perform a variety of tasks from understanding the customer issues to closing agreements.
  • A person who has a flexible attitude according to the company's situations and business phases.
  • A person who can commit to and focus on the results even within limited resources.

  • deep learning技術やエッジコンピューティングへの関心が高い方
  • 顧客課題の理解から契約クロージングまでに関わるあらゆるタスクを効率的に遂行できる方
  • 会社の状況やビジネスのフェーズに合わせて柔軟にスタンスを変えられる方
  • 限られたリソースの中でも結果にフォーカスし、コミットできる方

LeapMind Inc. is developing its business with the company mission, “to create innovative devices with machine learning and make them available everywhere” and our original weight reduction technology for deep learning models, the dedicated circuit design, and leveraging the knowledge gained from the collaboration with more than 150 companies.

Our core product "Efficiera" is an ultra-low power AI inference accelerator that can be implemented on an FPGA device or ASIC/ASSP device, and is specialized for CNN inference operations, taking full advantage of our original deep learning model weight reduction method "extremely low bit quantization". It will enable advanced data processing by deep learning in environments where AI could not be used before.

Ultra low power AI inference accelerator IP EFFICIERA


私たちが開発したコア製品である”Efficiera"は、独自のディープラーニングモデル軽量化手法「極小量子化技術」を最大限に活かす、FPGAデバイス上もしくはASICデバイス上の回路として動作するCNNの推論演算処理に特化した超低消費電力AI推論アクセラレータIPで、今までAIが使えなかったような環境でもdeep learningによる高度な情報処理を可能にします。

超低消費電力AIアクセラレータIP EFFICIERA

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Field Application Engineer at LeapMind
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