Satellite Manufacturing Process Management

  • Tokyo
  • Partial Remote
  • Full-time
  • April 3, 2023
Apply from Anywhere 👍
Relocation to Japan 👍
(Overseas visa sponsorship supported)
Language Requirements
Japanese: Conversational
English: Business Level
Minimum Experience
Junior or above

* Japanese follows English (日本語は英語に続きます)

About the Role

Manage the progress and monitor the budget so that multiple projects can proceed smoothly while supporting the project manager.

What would you do?

  • Support project managers prioritize tasks and facilitate task distribution and staffing.
  • Project budget monitoring
  • Responsible for management and control so that the project can move smoothly according to the contents decided by the PM.
  • Set detailed schedules and deadlines for each person in charge and ensure it is being followed as planned.
  • Raise an alert to encourage response when detecting a problem or risk.
  • Define a work process related to project management when needed
  • Task management using business tools (GitHub, Jira, etc.)

What requirements should you meet?

  • Mandatory
    • High communication skills and can coordinate and form agreements in various fields.
    • Think for yourself and move for yourself (demonstrating independence).
    • Over 2 years of project support experience.
    • Can respond flexibly even in situations of high uncertainty.
    • Bachelor degree or higher.
    • Japanese communication skills (JLPT N3 or higher).
  • Favorable
    • Work experience supporting multiple parallel projects related to hardware or software development.
    • Experience using business tools (GitHub, Jira, Smartsheet, etc.).
    • Knowledge or experience of the space industry.

Work Environment and Conditions

  • Employment Type: Permanent, full-time.
  • Work Hours: Discretionary Labor System.
  • Salary: TBA.
  • Commuter’s Allowance provided (actual-cost reimbursement).
  • Pay Revision: Once a year, decided upon annual performance evaluation.
  • Holidays: Saturdays, Sundays, Japanese national holidays and New Year holidays.
  • Leave: Annual paid 20 days (& five-year bonus holidays, special leaves for personal events).
  • Relocation assistance to those moving from abroad.
  • Opportunity to attend optional Japanese language lessons.
  • No smoking on site.

Notes on application

  • Please upload your resume/CV (in a single file) to the "Resume" section of the application form. Also, please write about your qualities and motivation for application in the "Cover Letter" section.






  • プロジェクトマネジャーがタスクの優先順位をつけ、タスク分配や人材の配置を行いやすいようなサポート
  • プロジェクトの予算モニタリング
  • PMの決定した内容でプロジェクトがスムーズに動くようプロジェクトの推進管理
  • 担当者ごとの詳細スケジュール及び締め切りを設定し、徹底させる支援
  • 問題やリスクを察知したら関係者にアラートをあげて対応を促す
  • 必要に応じてプロジェクト管理に関連するワークプロセスを定義する
  • 業務ツール(GitHub、Jira等)を使用したタスク管理


  • 必須条件
    • 高いコミュニケーションスキルを有し、各方面において調整・合意形成ができる
    • 自ら考え、自ら動く(主体性の発揮)
    • 2年以上のプロジェクト支援経験
    • 不確実性の高い状況においても柔軟に対応ができる
    • 学歴:大学卒業以上
    • 英語を用いた円滑なコミュニケーション能力(目安:TOEICスコア700点以上)
    • 日本語によるコミュニケーション能力 (日本語能力試験[JLPT] レベルN3相当以上)
  • 歓迎条件
    • ハードウェアまたはソフトウェア開発に関わる複数のプロジェクトを並行して支援した業務経験
    • 業務ツール(GitHub、Jira, Smartsheet等)の使用経験
    • 宇宙業界の経験や知識


  • 労働種類:正規雇用、フルタイム
  • 勤務時間:裁量労働制
  • 報酬:TBA(経験及び能力に応じて面談の上、採用時に決定)
  • 通勤手当支給(実費精算)
  • 休日:完全週休2日制(土・日)、祝祭日
  • 休暇:年次有給休暇20日(慶弔休暇等、5年後ボーナス休暇)
  • 英会話学習補助
  • 敷地内禁煙


  • 応募フォームのResumeには履歴書・職務経歴書(1つのファイルにまとめてください)を添付し、Cover Letterの欄には志望動機や自己PR等を自由に記入してください。

Axelspace is a pioneer in the micro-satellite industry. Founded in 2008, they want to democratize space technology for daily use.

They started their AxelGlobe business in 2015 to provide a new Earth observation infrastructure using micro-satellites. They also used the first mass-produced satellite production tech in Japan to launch 5 satellites from 2019 to 2021.

With their new service, “Axel Liner,” utilizing a small-satellite mass production system, they can use their satellite projects to support clients outside the space industry.

As the world faces pivotal stages in democratizing satellite development and satellite imagery, Axelspace is actively looking for people who want to take on the challenge of making a global impact with micro-satellite technology. If this is something that excites you, join Axelspace in making their vision of “Space within your reach” come true.

View Axelspace's company page

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Satellite Manufacturing Process Management at Axelspace