Mobile Engineer

  • Tokyo
  • Partial Remote
  • Full-time
  • November 12, 2023
¥4M - ¥8M /yr
Apply from Anywhere 👍
Relocation to Japan 👍
(Overseas visa sponsorship supported)
Language Requirements
Japanese: Business Level
English: Not Required

You will be involved in the client-side development of the application.

- iOS application development using Objective-C/Swift
- Android application development using Java/Kotlin
- Game application development using C/C++ + cocos2d-x
- Application development with members using Git
- Service development using LEAN UX
- Collaboration with PM/Designer/Planning backend development
- Maintenance and improvement of existing services
- Development of new services

Compensation Annual salary: 4 million to 8 million
* Will be determined according to skills and experience.
※1/12 will be paid every month.
Includes housing allowance for full-time employees
Minimum Requirements - 2+ years of development experience (including school)
- Knowledge of application development languages such as Objective-C/Swift/Java/C++
- Business level Japanese conversation skills
- Ability to understand and implement the open source and SDK required for development in documentation
- Ability to communicate well with non-developers
Preferred requirements - Experience developing game apps and abata apps in Cocos2d-x
- Experience developing 3D apps using Unity
- 4+ years of development experience in the industry
- Graduates of computer science related universities
- Experience developing cloud servers such as AWS/GCP
- Experience developing on container services such as Docker/Kubernetes
- Experience leading development teams
- Development automation using scripting languages (Python, JavaScript, node, etc.)
- Experience with apps on networks such as HTTP/WebScoket/TCP
Our Ideal Candidate - People who value communication
- People who want to build the company together.

Japanese follows:


- Objective-C/Swiftを用いたiOSアプリの開発
- Java/Kotlin用いたAndroidアプリの開発
- C/C++ + cocos2d-xを持ちたゲームアプリの開発
- Gitを利用してメンバーとのアプリ開発
- LEAN UXを用いたサービス開発
- PM/デザイナー/企画 バックエンド開発との協業
- 既存サービスのメンテナンス及び改善
- 新規サービスの開発

想定給与 年俸:400万~800万
必須スキル・経験 - 2年以上の開発経験(学校を含む)
- Objective-C/Swift/Java/C++などのアプリ開発言語に関する知識
- ビジネスレベルの日本語会話能力
- 開発に必要なオープンソースとSDKをドキュメントで理解し実装する能力
- 開発以外の職種の人との円満なコミュニケーション能力

歓迎スキル・経験 - Cocos2d-xでのゲームアプリ・アバタアプリの開発経験
- Unityを用いた3Dアプリ開発経験
- 4年以上の業界での開発経験
- コンピュータサイエンス関連大学卒業者
- AWS/GCPなどクラウドサーバー開発経験者
- Docker/Kubernetesなどコンテナサービスでの開発経験者
- 開発チームをリードした経験
- スクリプト言語(Python,JavaScript,nodeなど)を用いた開発自動化
- HTTP/WebScoket/TCPなどのネットワークでのアプリの経験
求める人物像 ・コミュニケーションを大事にされている方
採用フロー ①書類選考(一週間程度)


- 1) 履歴書(弊社フォーマット)
- 2) オンライン性格検査(5分程度)
- 3) ご自身の年収証明(源泉徴収票 or 直近の月次給与明細の写し/データ送付可)


Cocone was founded in 2008 with a focus on Smartphone app development and educational services. Nowadays they focus mostly on building “avatar” mobile apps. Their most popular app (“Pokecoro”) has over 16 million downloads. In fact they just celebrated the 9-year anniversary of the app’s release.

With their mobile apps, Cocone wants to create a fun digital environment where people can interact and share experiences. They hope their apps will help their users have fun and feel even more fulfilled with their lives.

Cocone is hiring more members to work on building their in-house products, doing everything from ideation to design to engineering. They hope to further increase the speed of development and handle everything from ideation to design to marketing the products.

Cocone's policies during COVID-19 are as follows:

  • Cocone’s revenue has continued to grow despite COVID-19. In fact they’re working on several new projects at the moment, so they plan to continue to actively hire engineers and other positions. They’ve also introduced the ability to work remotely during COVID-19, allowing 8 remote days per month (at the time of writing).
View Cocone's company page