Localization (Contract employee) / Japanese - Thai / LINE

  • Tokyo
  • Partial Remote
  • Full-time
  • January 23, 2025
Apply from Japan Only
(You must live in Japan to apply)
Language Requirements
Japanese: Business Level
English: Business Level
Minimum Experience
Junior or above


*English follows Japanese.




  1. 「LINE」アプリ、LINE公式アカウント、LINEスタンプなど、LINEが提供するサービス全般のタイ語ローカライズ



  2. ノウハウの文書化






The primary responsibilities include the following two tasks:

  1. Thai localization of LINE services such as the LINE app, LINE Official Account, and Stickers.

    The content is mainly User Interface (UI) text. The task requires translating and writing with a focus on usability.

    There are approximately 40 million LINE app users in Thailand, with over 90% using Thai as the UI language. The Thai localization is crucial for both our business and the social platform in Thailand. Your mission is to provide accurate and easy-to-understand information to users through the Thai UI.

  2. Knowledge documentation

    As mentioned later, we also value "Stable performance" in our team.

    Writing tasks can vary a lot among individuals. However, we work as a team (which includes linguists of other languages and outsourcing partners).

    We specialize in localization, but we also document our knowledge and practical techniques. These include terminology, style guidelines, precautions, and standard phrases. This approach ensures our team's performance remains consistent over the long term. This is also a crucial part of our work.

In translation work, we use CAT tools. Maintenance of TM and Terminology is also required.

Since we mostly work remotely, communication is conducted using chat apps. In actual work, the time spent on "checking and asking questions" is often more than the time spent on "writing and translating".

As the LINE app has been operating for over 10 years, there are a lot of UI assets. It is always necessary to check the consistency with existing terms and usage examples. "Researching on your own" and "Asking questions when unsure" are two things that are needed every day. Also, as about 10 different projects are running concurrently, you will need to multitask and switch between tasks.




  • 安定:スケジュールを守る、テキストの質も安定させる
  • 高品質:サービスを使う人が操作しやすいテキストを書く
  • すばやく:品質とスピードを両立する

The mission of the UX Localization Team is to localize the UI of LINE services while guaranteeing stability, high quality, and speed.

  • Stability:Adhere to schedules and maintain text quality
  • High Quality:Create user-friendly text for easy navigation
  • Speed:Balance quality and speed




  • 日本語・英語からタイ語への翻訳
  • タイ語のレビュー
  • LQA(ローカライズ後にテスト環境で言語的な観点からQAを行います)
  • エラー修正(リリース済みサービスにミスや修正点を見つけた場合は、チケットを作成して問題を修正します)
  • ローカライズに関するノウハウの文書化(用語、スタイル、注意事項、固定表現など)
  • アウトソースの教育

  • Translation from Japanese/English to Thai
  • Thai review
  • LQA (Language Quality Assurance in a test environment after localization)
  • Error correction (Create tickets and fix any issues if found in the released services)
  • Documentation of localization knowledge (such as terms, style guidelines, precautions, and standard phrases)
  • Educating outsourcing partners



  • わかりやすい翻訳をすることを心がけている方
  • ※一字一句コピーした翻訳をするのではなく、原文を書いた人が伝えたい意味・イメージを頭の中に再現して、それを自然なタイ語に表現できるスキルを持った方を求めています。
  • 調査力が高い方
  • わからないことを質問することができる方(「自分がわかっていない可能性」を客観的に認識できることが必要です)
  • 悪い情報があったとしても、隠さず正直に伝えることができる方(例:ミスをした、締め切りに間に合わない等)
  • マルチタスクが得意な方

  • Skilled in translation
  • * We are seeking someone who can not only translate text, but also accurately convey what the original author wants to tell in fluent Thai, rather than merely providing a word-for-word translation.
  • High research ability
  • Someone who asks questions when they do not understand (can objectively recognize the "possibility of misunderstanding")
  • Someone who can communicate bad news without hiding it (e.g., made a mistake, cannot meet the deadline)
  • Able to multitask



  • ネイティブレベルのタイ語スキル
  • 日本語能力試験N1相当の日本語スキル
  • TOEIC 900 / IELTS 7.5 / TOEFL 100 相当の英語スキル
  • 2年以上のローカライゼーション実務経験(日本語・英語→タイ語)
  • 情報をわかりやすくまとめるスキル
  • チームメンバーや社内外の関係者と連携し、スムーズに業務を進めるためのコミュニケーションスキル

  • Native level Thai proficiency
  • Japanese Language Proficiency Test N1 or equivalent Japanese proficiency
  • TOEIC 900 / IELTS 7.5 / TOEFL 100 or equivalent English proficiency
  • 2 or more years of practical experience in localization (from Japanese/English to Thai)
  • Ability to summarize information clearly
  • Communication ability to collaborate with team members and internal and external stakeholders smoothly



  • 大学・大学院での翻訳に関する学位
  • UXやユーザビリティに関する知識や調査経験
  • Trados、memoQ、PhraseなどのCATツールの使用経験
  • JIRAなどのBTSの使用経験
  • アプリのテスト経験(エンジニアではなく、言語的な観点からのテスト)
  • ChatGPTなどの生成AIを業務で活用した経験

  • Degree in translation at university or graduate school
  • Knowledge and research experience in UX and usability
  • Experience using CAT tools such as Trados, memoQ, Phrase
  • Experience using BTS such as JIRA
  • App testing experience (not as an engineer, but from a linguistic perspective)
  • Experience using generative AI like ChatGPT in business


契約社員 ※期間の定めあり





  • 応募

  • 書類選考

  • 面接、適性検査



LY Corporation is one of Japan's largest tech companies, formed in October 2023 through the reorganization of Group companies, including LINE Corporation and Yahoo Japan Corporation.

LY Corporation spans diverse businesses, including search, portal website, e-commerce, communications, and advertising under its mission, "Create an amazing life platform that brings WOW! to our users."

With a workforce comprising over 10,000 individuals from approximately 40 countries and regions, LY Corporation is dedicated to continually delivering inspiring services to its users and contributing to the realization of a more enriching and convenient lifestyle through the power of the Internet.

LY Corporation has many programs that support employees' growth, providing a work culture where people can take on new challenges. They have an environment where the employees can work with peace of mind.

View LY Corporation's company page

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Localization (Contract employee) / Japanese - Thai... at LY Corporation
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